Sunday, November 2, 2014

Fall Wreath

Hey Jammers! The new item of today is sold in Jam Mart Furniture. 

Something new and nonmember! :D

That's really all I have to say lol. It's not too pretty in my opinion, kinda bland. But it's something. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Next up, we have a new Diamond Challenge posted by... Greely?

Honestly I'm getting this feeling that AJHQ is using the introduction of diamonds to manipulate players. Diamonds feel like something not really of AJ. No one really likes them, either. Also, Greely is acting a bit OOC here. The same as all the other alphas, really. I guess the person writing these up everyday wasn't told much.

Here is a small list of the things I have to do for this blog in November:

• Update BOTM
• Update Berry the Koala
• Update all the other pages as well

That's all for now, Jammers,
see you in Jamaa!

– DoomyPanda

1 comment:

  1. Some people didn't know these were in stores and thought it was some kind of bet item and traded me an ice phantom statue for it O3O


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-Don't be mean on purpose.
-Keep the comments appropriate for all ages. This is an Animal Jam blog.
-No spam, please! That means no comments just saying "buddy me im animaljam123" or "hi", just add a little more than that.
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Pretty easy rules. Nothing to stress about. As long as you follow them, you can say whatever you want!

Thanks for reading! C(o.o)D

P.S. That's a bear emoticon up there. ^