Thursday, September 17, 2020

A New AJ Blog Appears!

Hey Jammers!

Online school has started back up for me again, and even though it's harder to focus than with in-person school, the routine of having classes again has been pretty nice. As I've been adjusting into this routine, I've been posting less, but that won't be for much longer-- I'm planning on posting more this year!

Now.. to the Jamaa Journal!

We got a mini update today, just three pages. But hey, at least its not 4 pages with the fourth page being an advertisement for Play Wild xD

Pet phantoms are back! Now if only AJHQ made them nonmember. Occasionally through history, AJHQ has turned some member's only animals and features into features for everyone. I still remember when penguins became nonmember... good times. 

What's your favorite kind of pet on AJ? For me, my number 1 favorite has to be pet ladybugs. I also like pet frogs! You know, AJHQ should release all or a few of the "original" pets like dogs, frogs, kitties, etc. as nonmember, because there are just so many member's only pets now. 

I think the Ol' Barn is a pretty good den! Items tend to look nice in it. Glad it's back :D

So, something that's interesting here is that the icon for this page of the Jamaa Journal is a drum lying sideways, even though the page it represents is completely different. Hmm..

Moving on...

Fun fact: at this moment in Jam Mart Furniture, you can buy a Leaf Pile, or a Rake and Leaf Pile. The rake seems to cost an extra 50 gems X)

The Leaf Pile was first released in Jamaa a bunch of years ago. Then, after a while, I think AJHQ thought it would become popular or high-demand so they stopped releasing it and released the Rake And Leaf Pile instead. And now... you can buy both. 

I prefer the normal Leaf Pile :D

And now, to the main focus of this post, the thing I'm most excited about:

A new Animal Jam blog has emerged from the darkness! Please welcome the Animal Jam Popcorn by Popcornpizza25!!!

For those you don't know, before YouTube started being the most popular way to talk about Animal Jam and get noticed, there was a massive community of AJ blogs like the one you're reading now. 

Most people moved on from that, but Animal Jam Stream is just such a peaceful and positive thing for me that I'm still here, and not going anywhere! :)

It's normally extremely hard for a blog to get views, in comparison to a platform like YouTube, so different AJ blogs helped each other out by featuring each other. That's what I'm doing today!!

So far, Popcornpizza25 has written some awesome detailed posts about all kinds of Animal Jam related things, and I'm sure there's something on the Animal Jam Popcorn that anyone could find helpful, or at least bring a smile to your face ^_^

No matter how far you choose to go with your blog, Popcornpizza25, I'm happy you decided to start one and you already have some great stuff on it! :D

So everyone, click here and visit the Animal Jam Popcorn

*EDIT: Popcornpizza25 changed around their blog name and URL since I originally made this post, so I updated it with their actual current blog info :)

Alright, that's all I got for now.

See you in Jamaa! My next post will be sooner than two whole weeks, I promise XD


  1. Awww Doomy thanks so much for mentioning my blog! X3

    1. Lol sorry I totally ruinned your post with my new blog! You can keep it or change it! You've done SOOOO much to help improve my blog, so it is totally fine! Thanks so much Doomy :)

    2. No worries! I just changed the link. I'll update this post more later ^-^

  2. Hey, Doomy! Great news! In not even a MONTH I'm getting a PUPPY!!!!
    I have a great name for it :D
    Have a wonderful day!
    vaiana70 <3

    1. Aww, that's so wonderful!!! I'm happy for you :)

    2. Thanks!!! Do you have any pets??? By the way, I'm naming my dog Rain :D
      You're a very kind person! <3
      vaiana70 <3

    3. I don't live with any other animals, but maybe someday :D
      Thank you! ^-^

  3. I have immense respect for anyone who can do a blog. First, I had to write one for school and I had no idea how. Second, how do you even find the time? It takes me forever to even write a bit in a story.

    1. Yeah, it is really hard knowing what to post sometimes. Though I think keeping a blog has made writing easier for me because I do it more often than I would otherwise!

  4. hi omg i used to read your blog so much... i miss those days :( how’ve you been?? i’m surprised this blog is still up and running but it makes me so happy to see that! and i have a question, do you know what happened to mel? (she ran the animal jam flash) (aka LoveLost, WitchHatBunny, Meloetta385) i was trying to access her blog but it’s on private now and i just wonder what happened to her and the blog now :(

    1. Hi!! Wow, a reader returns from ye olden days, I'm honored :')

      I really looked up to Mel and her blog, it was an excellent resource and she was really the reason why I started my own. I sadly don't know much about how she's doing now, and I really hope she's doing well. You can read some of her blog with the Wayback Machine-- the last archived time was January 2020, which was probably shortly before she privated the blog. She did officially make a goodbye post, though.

      Thank you for stopping by after all this time :)


Heyyo! I love it when you guys comment. I'm always checking for more, so even if you comment on an older post I'll definitely see it and try to respond. :)

Before you comment, of course, here are some basic things to remember:

-Don't be mean on purpose.
-Keep the comments appropriate for all ages. This is an Animal Jam blog.
-No spam, please! That means no comments just saying "buddy me im animaljam123" or "hi", just add a little more than that.
-Rants/long comments totally encouraged! You don't have to apologize for a long comment, I love reading them xD

-*NEW!* Please be safe about the personal information you share here, and on the internet in general. Just like AJ's in-game safety guidelines, don't share your real name, photos of yourself, phone number, address, email, or age. Always turn to a trusted adult if you're unsure about something.

Pretty easy rules. Nothing to stress about. As long as you follow them, you can say whatever you want!

Thanks for reading! C(o.o)D

P.S. That's a bear emoticon up there. ^