I've been meaning to write up a post about the Australia bushfires, but it just makes me so heartbroken and angry that it's hard to get the words out without crying. But these words are important for you to hear and think about.
The past five years have each been the hottest on record. It is only getting worse each year that people and governments refuse to address the climate crisis, and continue to actively destroy the natural environment.
At this rate in Australia, bushfire season is only getting worse and worse each year. Fires around the world are only getting worse and worse. If not enough action is taken soon, there will come a point where the ecosystems cannot recover.
Much of the bushfires have only consumed so much land and killed so many plants and animals because of the unusually intense heat and dryness of this particular Australia summer. This is directly linked to rapidly increasing global temperatures.
Over one third of all koalas have been killed by the fires. This death toll is only going to grow each day.
Countless animals, not just koalas, are being killed by fires every day. Many of these animals are already endangered. Some may become entirely extinct due to the fires.
The current prime minister of Australia acknowledges that human-caused global warming is fueling the wildfires, but refuses to take action. Australia is a heavy user of fossil fuels, and so the prime minister prioritizes the temporary wealth provided by the industry as opposed to the future of life in his entire country.
The next few years of global environmental action will determine the future of life on Earth for hundreds of years to come.
This is no exaggeration. If not dealt with soon, the path of steadily increasing global temperatures will become exponential and impossible to deal with. This is often referred to as the runaway greenhouse effect, or the climate tipping point.
In general, there are two kinds of change that are vital in healing the Earth:
"Top-down" change – Laws/policies/influence from governmental leaders.
"Bottom-up" change – Normal people influencing each other to make positive change, as well as influencing people in power to make positive change.
Both of these are extremely important. Just because you aren't a president or a governor doesn't mean you can't do anything.
In fact, change that comes from everyday people has even more power to change entire cultures. You, just by being brave and speaking up, help create a new normal; a new world where our Earth is truly respected and restored.
"Bottom-up" change also influences "top-down" change.
I know most people who read this blog probably aren't old enough to vote yet, but something powerful you can do is to let your parents or guardians know that them voting for a candidate who truly cares about the future of our planet is important to you.
Because we are in a time when current environmental action is determining the future of our planet for years to come, your parents/guardians aren't just voting for the next handful of years. They are voting for your future. You should have a say in your future, even if you're not old enough to vote.
It's not my place to tell you or your parents who to vote for; it's all up to you and them. Just know that voting is a powerful way to use the power you have to shape your future. For upcoming elections in your country, I encourage you to research different candidates' plans for the climate crisis and discuss it with friends and/or family.
I know not all parents/guardians are easy to talk to, or are as understanding about these kinds of issues. There are hundreds of other ways you can use your voice for good. You are not powerless.
This post is my way of trying to use my voice for good. Even though this is an Animal Jam blog, and I mostly just talk about virtual world stuff, the climate crisis will continue to impact more and more of our world.
It cannot go ignored, even if some people might see this post as irrelevant. We can't hide away in a fantasy land forever.
Thank you for reading, and I hope you were able to take something valuable from this post.