Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Early Update

Hey all you Jammers out there! Today there has been a wednesday update, with lots of new stuff! I might as well just get to it. :)

It's snowy and cold in Jamaa now, and the statue of Mira looks as if it's made of ice! I wonder if it will melt in the spring...
(I'm taking these pictures with another account, just letting you know.)

This is a snapshot of one of the sections of the improved conservation museum. Lynx cats/bobcats are one of my favorite big cats. :)

I wonder how donating virtual gems helps real world conservation... 
Nevertheless, I like this feature. ^^

Now all Jammers can play Splash and Dash! Just like Jamaa Derby, non members can play as undecorated dolphins. 
There is a little more variety in NM dolphin colors than NM horse colors.

There's also one new item– well, more like an item that came back.
I predict (like many others) all the other snowy things from last year will return soon.

There are also three or four new interesting articles on the Daily Explorer that you could read. I wont post pictures because they'll cloud up my already messy desktop.

Thats all for now, see you in Jamaa! :)

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-Don't be mean on purpose.
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Pretty easy rules. Nothing to stress about. As long as you follow them, you can say whatever you want!

Thanks for reading! C(o.o)D

P.S. That's a bear emoticon up there. ^