Here, you'll find some of Animal Jam's glitches and tricks that I've encountered. Since more recent updates, many walk-on-walls glitches have been fixed, so don't expect them to work now unless you want to try them all out. I will specify which ones work and which ones that don't. :)
Glitches – A bug in AJ's system which makes things appear in ways they're not supposed to. Can be annoying and problem causing.
Tricks – Strategies that a player consciously does in order for AJ to glitch in a way they like. Example, the walk-on-walls tricks.
Enjoy and comment your own experiences!
Last updated February 10th, 2017
Psst... For the most recent glitches and tricks, scroll to the bottom. ↓
The Fantasy Castle Walk-on-Walls Trick
This glitch no longer works.
This one was taught to me by Dramione1234
First, stand where I'm standing.
Next, click anyone's name tag and open the games tab.
Click here:
and very quickly, click any game and hit cancel fast.
Now you can walk on the walls and beyond of the fantasy castle!
The 'Change Your Look' Glitch
I honestly couldn't come up with a better name for this odd glitch:
The Appondale 'Walk on Walls' Trick
This glitch no longer works.
First, you stand here in the tree.
Next, you click someone's name tag, open the games tab and click here
and quickly click a game and cancel.
The Sarepia Walk-on-Walls Trick
This glitch no longer works.
This glitch was taught to me by Thehowler. First, stand where I'm standing.
Next, click a name tag of anyone,
and open the games tab.
Click the right bottom corner of the screen
and very very quickly, click a random game and cancel.
You can get onto the top of sarepia theater by holding down your mouse on your animal and dragging it off-screen. (into the blue. Try not to go into Temple of Zios or Coral Canyons!) And dragging up (still off-screen.)
The ™ Trick
Due to AJ's new chat filter, this glitch no longer works.
To do this fun trick, you must have free chat.
First, hold down the Alt button which looks a little like this
Next, press 2.
If pressing 2 doesn't work, try other numbers.
The Underwater Pet Glitch
This glitch was at my friend ClideTheClidesDaleWebkinz's den.
She said it came with the den when she bought it. 0.0
(Note: ClideTheClidesdaleWebkinz was sadly hacked and banned, and she is now Cupcak3Luver.)
The Double Achievement Glitch
I was just searching random names, when I found this one, who at the time had two color-me-rad achievements! I think it was fixed though.
This one was discovered by my friend Feiryclaw77.
And hit send. It looks like this:
It's some weird auto-correct thing. also works with:
The Rare Mech Angel Wing Glitch
This glitch no longer works, but when the rare mech angel wings came out, if you put them on a rhino and sat, they would look like this:
The Very Very Very Annoying Glitch
So me and my friend were just hanging out in my den, when all of a sudden, FLASH! Me and my friend disappeared. I had to log out and back on to clear the glitch...
False Locations
Weird, huh?
The Multiplying Tigers!
Ok, so today I traded my summer carnival octopus for one of those blue tiger plushies, (the one with the necklace and sunglasses.) I traded the tiger to my storage account. I logged off for a while, then came back on and found that I still had my tiger sitting in my den! So I went onto my storage user, and found that my tiger was on there too! So I traded it back to my account, put it in my den, and realized I now have TWO of those tigers!
And I asked my friend and she said she saw two as well! Two are in my den, but only one in my inventory...
Old Underwater Party Glitch
This glitch no longer works.
If you do this glitch, you'll be able to be in a party on land while being a sea creature!
first stand here:
Next, open the party tab.
Next, click the door to Bahari Bargains and quickly click a party.
Sometimes if you don't do it exactly correct, some stuff happens like this:
If you do it perfectly, there will be people in the party and some may stop and notice something odd. :D
The Old Secret Color In Best Dressed
If you do the secret color glitch (click the upper right corner of the lavender color that is circled in red in that small picture.) Instead of showing the icy blue color, it shows the old secret color! (Raspberry)
The Pet-Game Glitch: My Crowning Achievement
This is an old picture that I took from back in June. I was just in Queen's den, playing games. I finished a game of Tic-Tac-Toe with her, and her computer must have been slow because the game bubble was still there. Well, her pink cat had the bubble above its head too! It was raised lower, and that was weird.
I think that this was a secret preview of a new feature soon to be released: the ability to play games with your pets. Remember the old loading screens? The ones that had lions playing marbles with pet hamsters? I think those were hints too.
AJHQ Hates Rap Music
Annoyingly, if you type the word "rap" it comes out as "wrap," so now if you're having a conversation with other people who like rap, to onlookers it just seems like you're talking about burrito wraps.
The Creepy Snow Leopard Face
If you mouse over any underwater item in your inventory, a freaky looking snow leopard face will appear. He sees you...
The Cocoa Temperature Trick
When you're choosing what type of drink you want at the Cocoa Hut, look down near your animal picture. There should be a weird looking 3D lever around there that you can drag up and down to change the steam amounts in your cocoa!
Jammer Wall Free Chat Trick
Step 1:
Open up someone's Jammer Wall and type a word, any word at all. For this demonstration I chose "meow"
Step 2:
Highlight your word and click with the right side of your mouse, then choose "copy"
TIP: You have to use the menu, you can't use your keyboard.
Step 3:
Delete your word, then in it's place type as much of the word you WANT to say as you can. For this I'll be typing out my username, DoomyPanda.
Step 4:
Hit the space bar, then right click again. This time select "Paste" and the word you copied should show up.
TIP: You may need to make multiple spaces if your pasted word doesn't show up the first time.
Step 5:
Delete your pasted word and keep deleting until you reach the last letter (so-far) of the word you want to type. An autocorrect word button will show up above, click it to get...
Step 6:
Repeat steps 4 & 5 until you have all the letters in the word you want except the last.
Step 7:
Paste in the word you copied earlier, then same as always delete all letters you don't want. This time though you do not click the autocorrect bubble. Just delete everything until you end up with the exact word you want, post it, and then...

Success! :D
The Den Item Editing Glitch
I was just editing my den and I exited out of my inventory. Weirdly, I could still move around my pizza boxes!
The Buddy List Glitch
What's wrong with this picture?
The Back-to-2012 Trick
Because the 2017 New Year's Party is over, this glitch no longer works. However, it might work next year during the 2018 New Year's Party!
Have you ever wondered what Jamaa was like five years ago? are you interested in TIME TRAVEL? Well, I'd think you'd really like to know about this fabulous trick.
Step 1: Go to the 2017 New Year's Party.
Step 2: Wait until you are the only one left OR buddy someone, leave, and have them follow these instructions.
Step 3: Click the Games icon at the top of the screen. Click Falling Phantoms and play the game.
Step 4: Exit the game, OR if your buddy made it to 2012, follow them!
Or, more accurately, welcome to the New Year's Party of 2012! You can't purchase any of the old items, but you can slide down the slides, eat some candy, and relive some fun memories while thinking about how to bring the fun of the past to the present!
After all, the year numbers might change, but the good times of the past stay with you forever. :)
More glitch pictures coming soon! :)
I do not mean to be rude, but I discovered the Appondale one. I did not share it, but I think my the people who saw me did. So apparently, it might have passed down all the way to you. To prove it, I am part of the glitchbusters, a recent group my brother created. He's the boss, and... Yeah. The goal of the glitchbusters is to discover easier glitches. What sucks is that if you tell anyone a glitch that the glitchbusters discovered, you will get kicked out.
ReplyDeleteI figured out how to do it yesterday on my own. (I'm not meaning to sound rude either.) I just thought the place I stood was a good one (also the place I clicked) and I tried other places to start and click as well.
Deletei got a new one
DeleteNot to be rude chu714 But your brother made it up so of corse you are in, And you pretty much stole mythbusters and ghostbusters
Deletethe wearied glitch that you have no name for ya that happened to me once whenever i went to a den i flew right up in the top corner it was super anyoing i wanted to see my friend not the air!i had to log of to clear that one.
DeleteUm.. I don't really understand your comment.. So.. Doomy found out about this glitch you know about and Doomy showed everyone how to do it, what's the problem? If 'GlitchBusters' can't trust their own people to keep it a 'secret' then I think they need new members.
DeleteXD I found a new glitch can you plz tell me how to do it its like you can be a land animal in the cloud party its super fun plz tell me how to do it
Deletefound a new glitch its like you can become a land animal at the cloud party please post it here
DeleteJammer wall trick rlly works! Keep it up! :)
DeleteBut it might be rude you cant tell the glitch :0
DeleteHey any member glitches that work?
DeleteWow, you can't "discover" a glitch, u might think u did but u didn't, how do u know u discovered it and not anyone else, ppl these days, so unbelievable, it's not a secret anyway, EVERYONE knows the glitch. Not to be rude or anything but u can't really discover it, if u really want to "discover" something, discover like ancient fossil that has never been found or things that actually make sense
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Deleteyeah I agree, if it has been posted here, it's definitely not a secret anymore.... ����
DeleteI can help with this my username is netherqueen124 if you want recogniton for this and have proof you discovered it I can help
DeleteOh yeah, and the tm trick is supposed to be 0153, not just 2.
ReplyDeleteIt works on my computer for just alt 2.
Deletemy name is Iris
Deletestop fighting you two!
DeleteGreat Job making your blog! Maybe sometime we can meet on AJ! Well Bye for now!
the "kool" thing happened w/ me...
ReplyDeletei typed in "k444ool" and it still said cool! also "k...ool" and it still was cool! weird...
~cutie222 :D
I figured out if you add something to "kool" it will show up like that. Like "koolful" or something. Also, "kewl" works.Hope this helped!
it doesnt work anymore as AJHQ had been phoned up about it so they dont let u ay it anymore :L
Deleteit kinds weird though
Deleteno they still let
DeleteI typed kik and it came put as kick. Ehhh... Lots of new things to discover! :D
ReplyDeleteYour "gloomy" person became a no-no person yesterday.
ReplyDeleteXD omg omg omg
Deletewhen u type in id it goes as i'd
DeleteI know also one fun glitch to do. It's when you type " cu ", and hit enter, then it will come up as "see you". I don't know does it still work I haven't trying it out for a while.
ReplyDeleteYeah it works c;
DeleteOh my gosh the last picture has me in it! And whoa, I didn't realize that I was standing all the way over there.. I was at the Summer Carnival playing Whack A Phantom when all of a sudden when O x-ed out of the game I was in your den O.O
ReplyDelete~Jammasian Wizard
I can only do the word glitch thingies so...... maybe its just my computer
ReplyDeleteCool underwater glitch.... O.O >O< (Epic fish faces)
This is so cool! I knew most of them, but not the underwater glitch I tried it before but I couldn't do it. :P
Cute glitches. Learned something. See you on AJ C;
I found out a Sarepia glitch by the game ( not bragging in all). When that glitch runs out, I shall know a different glitch. I'm a glitch master. I know how to get on the outside tables at the dinner party. I stand on people's food.
ReplyDeleteI REALLY think they got rid of the Zios sky glitch. No matter how fast I run I can't do it.
ReplyDeletethx for the glitches I like the party one!
ReplyDeletewacky wacky glitch glitch! OMG that's soooooo cra cra!-littlemina
ReplyDeleteI try it does not work :(
ReplyDeleteActually, the "kool" glitch also works with saying "coon", which comes up as "raccoon". It really ticks me off because I think "coon" is a WAAAAAAY cuter way to say "raccoon". -113457
ReplyDeletetheres a glitch if you type cu in the box,
ReplyDeleteit comes up as see you.
hahaha i want gliches add me my name moises29
ReplyDeletei did the underwater thing and it looks like my seal is swimming at the carnival
ReplyDeleteim trying to do the underwater on land thing, and i have clicked the dinner party party button and it took me there, but.. only for a split second then it takes me back to the under water shop. please help
ReplyDeleteI've discovered lots of auto-correct words, for example: cu = see you completly = completely kiked, kik and kiks = kicked kick kicks Wor = worn tht = that wht = what coon = raccoon cooome, comin, and coming = come coming coming (Idk why there's 2 that say the same o-o) Kell = kill (that obviously dosent show) Loin, loins = Lion, lions, There's a lot more. Have fun discovering! o3o
ReplyDeleteUgh AJ... Okay well if you like doing emotes on animal jam, They don't show anymore :I if you wanna know if I'm telling the truth, Get on a backup any say something like: \ / _ = + * ^ $ > <, If you don't have one, ask your frind if it showed. I found it out when me and my friend were dosing something, I typed >3< and looked on my main account and it didn't show. If they don't fix it soon I'm calling AJ. I don't know wy they removed it, Maybe because they don't want people typing bad stuff. Anyways Happy jamming! /)030(\
ReplyDeleteI found a glitch: if you play as a tiger with a broken heart necklace (idk which one) the necklance will fly! Like the studded collar a while ago.. Next glitch: try playing as a fox with cupid wings
ReplyDeleteOnce there was an AWESOME glitch in Sarepia Theater, Ok so here's how I found out. Me and my friend were randomly looking at pet hamsters, My friend said brb so I said ok. I went inside and outside a lot of times, When she came back... she said there was 5 running me's I was so surprised! I couldn't see it but she could, I got my backup and kept going in and out then I started to see a stampede of running me's! They fixed it sadly :( It only worked with nm animals.
ReplyDeleteThere is a glitch that won't let me change me animal looks and I don't know how to fix it! Plz help, guys
ReplyDeleteHave you checked your computer? Try going into an empty space like your den and trying to change. If that doesn't seem to work your computer might be slow or broken or worst of all have a virus. Believe me I have had that glitch on me before. Add me hermioneharry2010
Deletei can get into the air on the serapia glitch but i cant figure out how to stay there plz help, instead i just cut across the air
ReplyDeleteI KNOW HOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHEN YOUR RUNNING ON TOP HIT SWITCH ANIMALS THEN X OUT HOPE IT HELPED!!!!!!! ~mansa123
Deleteit does not work the sarepia forest one
ReplyDeleteTHIS SUCKS!!!
ReplyDeletethat's really mean, if you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all.
Deleteseals are a land and sea animal
ReplyDeletewhat the heck ppl
ReplyDeleteA new glitch. Another "auto-change" glitch. Type in "wht" and it comes out as "what" try it! And my AJ username is: fashionnotte
ReplyDeleteIf you try to type rap, rapped, or rapping, they come out as wrap, wrapped, and wrapping. lol.
ReplyDeletei have found a glitch basically your dres for seccsess glitch but you do it out of the game and youturn a really really light aqua blue
ReplyDeleteI love your glitches please buddy me on aj i am ellabella82228
ReplyDeleteI know a very new glitch on an since the eagle adventure was released, I would call it the flying land animal in a eagle adventure glitch.... If your not sure how to do it, have an eagle, well, message me and I'll help u sometime I'm pretty37676
ReplyDeleteand I got glitch too!
step 1 : become a rabbit.
step 2 : wear the tutu (any color)
step 3 : play as a rabbit with the tutu.
the tutu will not be on the rabbits body , but on the head like a hat!
here is a glitch i figured out it is cool
ReplyDelete1.go to epic wonders an eagle above the water fall
4.change animals then really quick click above the water fall or not on land (do not change in to ur eagle)
I love these glitches! I especially love the skyways, but, unfortunately, you can't "walk around" doing them anymore..
OMG there is a glitch where you can duplicate den items. AND IT STILL WORKS!!! This is how to do it.
ReplyDelete1. Take out the item you want to make two of.
2. Switch dens (which means you have to be a member sorry)
3. Send a second member account or a friend you trust the item.
4. Send it back to yourself, or make your friend send it back.
5. Switch your den back to the one it was before.
6 See your second one of your item!!!
if u trade? will it BOTH go?
DeleteYes this was a glitch but, it's actually only one item so if you trade it, it will take all of them. Also when you log out they appear to stay there but when you log they all disappear. (besides the actual one.)
Deletehello guys some glitches doesn't work aj took it out :(
ReplyDeleteI tried the underwater glitch and it ended up with two of me in the bahari bay store XD
ReplyDeleteIs There A Glitch To Clone Dens?
ReplyDeleteI love glitches! They help me get noticed better, Thanks for the glitches!!
ReplyDeleteI hate glitches for that reason. Ppl reported me when I tried a glitch and now I’m banned.
Deletei did the some underwater glitch and sadly, there are no other people at the party its just you. lol also, i left and did it again, and i found another glitched me at the party! if i clicked the pet on the glitched me, my pet moved instead of the glitched ones! :O but then, i saw other people, and they were glitched too! it was a penguin and a seal! i officially LOVE this glitch lol
i tried the color glitch. It turned me baby blue when i clicked the corner of the lavender! Love it!
ReplyDeleteBtw. My username is marblecakecat5 so please buddy me!
ReplyDeletefor the best dressed glitch i went to the color underneath white
ReplyDeleteOk i have a new glitch!! I logged into meh aj yesterday and my glitch is sorta like the tiger plushie glitch but better! I went into my den bc meh bff told me to and when i got there there were many MANY betas in my den and i could move them and everything yet none of the betas were in my inventory (sadly!) yet it was still an awesome glitch!!
ReplyDeletethat happened too me its a very cool glitch but unfortunantly over people cant see it! :(
DeleteI think thats cool!
Deletehey guys if you dont already know this glitch im going to say its just where you float in the air underneath the bridge in coral canyons all you have to do it get a name tag, go above swoopy eagle,click the beehive click invite cancel real quick, swap animals and there you go ii hope i helped!! :)
ReplyDeleteI know a glitch with chat. If you type GURL in all caps and press enter, it comes out in LOWERCASE and it says girl instead.
Original type: HEY GURL WAT UP!
Result in text: HEY girl WAT UP!
From- Nicerainbow123456
Deleteso today i discovered an odd glitch, i was customizing my wolf... normal. I choose a parasol and headphones.. the headphones and parasol appeared normal, but when i got out of the customizing page, my parasol was invisible! i went back on the customize page, thinking i double clicked the parasol by mistake, nope, it was there, i clicked it alot but nothing seems to be ok with it. I look odd
ReplyDeleteguys i found another glitch with the parasol, apparently if you wear a parasol and headphones(like i did with my wolf on the other parasol glitch) on an arctic wolf, i tried cause i wanna see if it works on other animals, then sit to the top right corner(north east) your headphones will be in the parasol! Hmm.. it's odd, eh?
ReplyDeleteP.S: if you have a red/black halo (non-rare) then please jam-a-gram me, annielovely <.<
WOW the jammer wall glitch is freaking awesome. but i think aj might fix it, so lets not post this on youtube or anything...
ReplyDeleteI have a funny glitch! here are the steps
ReplyDelete1.) go to the pathways in coral canyons
2.) go the direction of the coral canyons itself
3.) while its loading, morph into any animal
4.) u can now walk behind the cracks
the fantasy castle glitch works :D its not fixed :D so happeh also the epic wonders walk on walls glitch works! (tried it in july) btw the stand on sarepia forest slide works also X3 my username is sugergliders ty for the glitches :L
ReplyDeletesay "my birdie is trying to eat mira"and your words will go OUT of the chat box
ReplyDeleteomigosh it works!!! XD
- wolvesrkool
I got an official warning
ReplyDeleteok, soo....
I was in my buddy's den, and her computer lagged her off. So then I went to my den. But THEN............. ALL HER STUFF WAS IN MY DEN!!! BUT ALSO MY STUFF TOO!!! IT WAS A MERED DEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I took a few screen images! I can't upload them though... ;-;
BUT IT LOOKED A. M. A. Z. I. N. G. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cuz her den had wood floor and a lot of betas and stuff and when it was put in my den I swear it would have been put in "Epic Dens"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so yea, if u have experienced this or found a way to duplicate this glitch, plz tell me!!!! BAI AWESOME PPL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- wolvesrkool
Jam (and peanut butter) on!!!!!!!!!! XD
P.S. I got that ^ from ajhq just saying
Umm I found a glitch my Username is Pandaizzy999 and if u want to letter me and I will show u some glitches and tricks!
ReplyDeleteis there a glitch or code that can get you 60 diamonds
ReplyDeleteNope, and anyone who says there is is lying.
Deletemy username is love for cat meow and im not telling my spare i dont want my spare getting hacked at all be cause it has lots of items on it so im going to do a give away soon so buddy love for cat meow _ peace kitty out
ReplyDeleteI found a glitch.
ReplyDeletebecome an aligator (or crocodile which ever you call it)
Put on the full scorpion armor set
look at the arms when you move.
Balto675 found this glitch and asks for no one to take credit for it.
Deleteha thats funny :D
ReplyDeleteI was thinking that the secret colour (raspberry) from best dress probably is a hint that in the future there will be a new colour which is raspberry!! :)
ReplyDeleteCan You Please And MORE AJ Glitches?!?!?!
ReplyDeleteHey, does anyone else know the fifth Bday cake trick?
ReplyDeleteFirst click the cake
Then the fourth gem to the right
Then the flame of the candle
Then the eye of the bottom phantom
Then u will c on the second to top layer there r two stripes in the middle. Click the one on the right
Ur cake is now beautiful!!!!! Click the candle to exit out of Mira Mode
Also, can I use some of these glitches in my first video? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteLast comment. I used to do the secret color all the time. Now for some reason it either shows up as raspberry or it doesn't work! Someone, please explain!
ReplyDeletehey, there's this one glitch or something i'm confused about, whenever i click my buddy list, the animal name is tempAvt, until it loads. can you explain....?
ReplyDeletetempAvt stands for "temporary avatar", which is probably the unloaded unspecified avatar. It's a glitch that "tempAvt" shows up as the name, but it's nothing to worry about. I think it's a pretty common glitch. :)
DeleteThanks for asking!
Has anyone noticed the falling phantoms glitch?
ReplyDeleteWhen I play falling phantoms I see other people that are exactly the same, or I see myself but I am controlling a different person.
oh. Thank you! That is very interesting and also helpful :)
ReplyDeleteI've had a hamster underwater before... that was strange
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteYour blog is awesome! I look forward to reading more.
ReplyDeleteWOO! Found a glitch! Well its an item glitch for cougars.. So when I had my cougar I put on a backpack AND.. AND... AND.... It was gray and blue instead of just blue, I tried it with my light blue backpack and it was gray and light blue! Maybe if your reading this you can try it! Cya! (PS. You may have seen this use before in other post... ) -minigirl121
ReplyDeleteHello! Found another! I was trying that secret color glitch and I found a glitch when I did it! So I clicked the top right corner and it turned to white randomly, Then I did it again, and it changed! Welp, Try it if ya want. -minigirl121
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteXD! When you're in the chat menu, and have it blank but hold down 'Ctrl' on your keyboard, it'll make the typing sound but won't actually type anything. Also, if you're in the pet menu, and hold down 'Ctrl', The pets will get all slow. P.S. Buddy me, I'm kitten2246.
ReplyDeleteHi! I found this new glitch and I did some research on it, if you put on the new 2017 chicken non-member beak onto a snow leopard, its going to make your animal all glitchy and one solid color with no eyes. Try this glitch out! Its very fun to do and please buddy me on Animal Jam!! I am Athena714 and thank you for taking your time to read this comment.
ReplyDeletethe butt slide!!!!!! you sit stand back up, click anywhere and press sit while you are still walking and you butt side (if you have a tough computer, you have to use the mouse)
ReplyDeleteI found a glitch where if you zoom out to 80 percent, then go to your profile (if you haven't already), and click the very side of the lavender (really light purple, it's located in the right bottom corner) of the color palette thing, you get a light cream-blue color.
ReplyDeleteIn other words, just click the same spot you would to get magenta at 90 percent zoom (the corner doesn't work) but in 80 percent zoom instead. I found this glitch when I zoomed to 80 percent without knowing it and tried to get magenta. At first I was confused on how I did it but when I zoomed back to 100, I had to do it twice and found out that I was at 80% instead of 90
My AJ user is Wolfypuppy9, I'm not sure how to sign in on here
Does anyone know if the hidden light ice blue color still works in the customization or has AJ patched it? I accidentally clicked on a color and lost the color and its not working when I try to get it back on :(
ReplyDeletedose anyone have a black mat
ReplyDeleteI do. What's your username? I'm kazenostigma998.
DeleteHow do you use the menu to copy your word? In other words: How do you open up the Menu? :3
ReplyDeletehi today I got membership but there was this glitch were I got doubles of everything the pet,snow leopard,arctic wolf, and arctic fox,and the armor i'm not sure if i got two dens though LOL
ReplyDeletei did get two dens LOL
ReplyDeleteA rlly weird glitch:
ReplyDeleteI finished Double Trouble, but when i entered the portal, the adventure menu was still there, as if i was still in the adventure.
PS. my user is funtimechica7215
Ok.. so I exited a den and that den was in MY den... and I could move the items around. But sadly if I cleared a item out it couldn't be recovered. Then I went to Jamaa and came back... The den was gone! In it's place was my own den.
ReplyDeleteI had the weirdest glitch on aj where someone else's den items were in MY den! All my stuff was changed and there were at least 30 or 40 paintings hung up. Oh and also otter plush. EVERYWHERE!!!!
ReplyDeleteYou want to know another glitch it is the best for you den. First and type of plushy get all the colors of them you can find then place them all in the same spot facing the same direction
ReplyDeleteHi I found a code it is twelve.
ReplyDeleteYou can type doomypanda and Doomypanda on a jammer wall but not DoomyPanda
ReplyDeleteI was trying to do the secret color glitch but couldn't because of the magenta eye glitch
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work, this was rlly helpful
ReplyDeleteThanks so much!
Deleteif you change animals and walk in any type of doorway while your changing animals you will look like your inside your welcome theprincessofthelord
ReplyDeletefor some reason i have a strange glitch in witch i can put the aj music logo in my den, i cant put a picture but it looks weird...
ReplyDeleteplease not working you are pretty awesome think of pandas
ReplyDeleteThe snow leopard one freaked me out ( especially when I read " he sees you " )
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to slam my mom's computer. XD But also you're so good doomy! Continue the good work! ;)
The rap to wrap glitch really works! The kool to cool glitch does not. The leopard glitch did not work for me.
ReplyDeleteIt feels so weird to see a post about traveling to 2012 when there are actually comments from 2012 on here.
ReplyDeleteA glitch that I discovered with my sister is that when you wear the flower tail on the fox and do play, the tail becomes grey (I think) and starts moving all around the fox and it goes underground. It stops glitching when your fox comes out of underground. It happens again when you do play again. It's so weird. I want you to try it and post it on there, Doomy. I like crazy no-making-sense glitches, lol. Also, the re-kaptcha terms thing in order to submit comments and to test if your not a robot, well, it's becoming way too dificult to wait, I literally waited like 5 minutes for it do go and it hasn't. I won't be able to comment much often anymore :((
ReplyDelete~Dogo (aka Abcdefg163)
I'm removing the re-kaptcha right now!!
DeleteAnd thanks for letting me know about this glitch-- I need to update this page at some point soon
Thanks for removing it!
Delete~Happy Dogo because at least one thing is good today
It does the same thing with the spiked glove.. I searched it up.. O_o
DeleteThe glitch with the Jammer Wall is kind of confusing. Do you know how to explain it a little easier?
ReplyDeleteI'm actually not sure it works anymore... it's been a few years since I updated this page, and I hope I can get to updating it as soon as I can. Also, the example I used is a little outdated because my username was added to the chat dictionary (yay!) maybe in 2019 or 2018
DeletePlay wild comment lol ok so uhhh in one of my dens there is a black Siamese cat uhhhhh help it’s scaryy