Sunday, April 28, 2019

Animal Speculation, Organizing + more

Hey Jammers! Here I am, back with another post. My summer break starts in about a month (earlier than usual), and I will have a lot of free time to post more frequently than my usual once-a-week-- I'm so excited :D

The past couple posts haven't directly involved AJ, so here I have some Animal Jam related content for ya. 

First up, some kinda-late update speculation:

So apparently, there will be a new animal announced soon. And apparently... Jamaa has deserts?

Well, I guess we have Appondale and Kimbara Outback. Those are pretty desert-y. Nevermind then XD

So... who might this new animal be?

One look at the pointy ears and my first thought was armadillo:

Armadillos live in grasslands, forests and semi-deserts, but we already have all the other pointy-eared desert creatures I can think of. 


As much as I'm sure we don't need another fox to choose from, a likely possibility is that fennec foxes will be released soon. Unlike armadillos, these guys actually live in deserts. 

Still, those ears in the hint are too small to be that of a fennec fox!

*Google Image searches 'pointy eared desert animal' to get ideas*




They live in sub-saharan Africa, but not the kind of sandy desert pictured in Liza's photograph. 

Maybe AJHQ has just given up with scientific accuracy :\

All I can hope is that the new animal is not a canine or a feline– we honestly have enough of those, and there are so many other possibilities!!! C'mon AJHQ, where them hippos at!? Zebras!?!?

Something really cool that could happen is the new animal being released as nonmember. I'm sure that would get people excited, regardless of what the new animal is!

Or maybe... Liza's photo doesn't mean there will be a new animal. Maybe kangaroos will become nonmember.

Ah well. That's enough new-animal speculation for one day.

Moving on...

Around a month ago there was a Lucky Day art contest on AJ's official Instagram and there was this really cute entry from IG user @kawaii_shark_21. Above is a part of it.

I screenshot it because I loved that hat and thought it would be a great idea for an AJ item!

Turns out it's an AJPW item:

Image credit to that same user.

If I actually played Play Wild I'd probably know that immediately lol. Still, I think the way this person drew it looks nicer than the real deal.

AJPW has some nice items– hey AJHQ! It would rock if you could release some AJPW items in AJPC if you ever run out of ideas, which I suspect happens frequently if it's expected that a new item comes out every day.

In other news...

I found a couple of nice items at a My Shop for only a few diamonds each! Arm Chairs, while a little boring, are a bit harder to trade for nowadays because they are an item with an older design that has been out of stores for long enough to make people call them 'beta' (which they're not, but it shows people value them).

I've had a membership for a few months now because I wanted to try out the My Shop feature– to buy from it, not to sell. Which brings me to my next segment...

On Animal Jam right now, I am organizing my things and getting rid of items I don't like. I could sell them in a My Shop... but because I'd prefer nonmember new players have them, I'm trading them away for 1 Necklace each, 1 item per person. It's really nice to make Jammers happy :)

I'm weird in the sense that I like to be very very organized on AJ-- ridiculously organized and minimal. I don't like having too many gems/diamonds, too many items, too many animals, and soon I'm going to start removing buddies I've never talked to (don't worry, I have a good memory)

It's funny because I'm pretty disorganized in real life. I haven't cleaned my room in months and I gave up on using a binder for my biology papers halfway through the year. I just cram stuff in my bag lol

I like being organized IRL, it's just a lot of effort :\

In other news, I found a lion cub in Jamaa Township. Wow.

Before I go, I wanted to give you an update on my request to Clark Stacey (AJ's CEO) to make Animal Jam educational again: I haven't checked for a response in a month, but I'll probably check sometime tonight. I guess I'm just nervous about what he'll say, but it's more than likely that he just hasn't seen it yet.

Alright. See you in Jamaa!


  1. Agreed, it must be nice to have summer early.

  2. I was thinking the ears look like the pet kangaroo ears, but we already have kangaroos... I hope it is a armadillo. Though it probably is a fennec fox... Why can't we get new animals that aren't from the same species? I guess we will have to wait till this week. Its very thoughtful of you to do that with your new items. Yes, they should really make some items on AJPW come to AJ.

    1. Also I wonder what Clark's response might be?

    2. Worst case scenario: "tOo BaD, jAmMeR,, aJ wIlL nO lOnGeR bE eDuCaTiOnAl"
      Best case scenario: "Thank you for the feedback! I will pass this along"
      Most likely scenario: *silence*

  3. Yeah, I don't think I've had the entire month of June off since I was in preschool XD

  4. Oh, the Postmaster Hat... I wonder what colour mine was haha...
    I miss those arm chairs a lot, good thing I bought them like crazy when they went on clearance.


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Before you comment, of course, here are some basic things to remember:

-Don't be mean on purpose.
-Keep the comments appropriate for all ages. This is an Animal Jam blog.
-No spam, please! That means no comments just saying "buddy me im animaljam123" or "hi", just add a little more than that.
-Rants/long comments totally encouraged! You don't have to apologize for a long comment, I love reading them xD

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Pretty easy rules. Nothing to stress about. As long as you follow them, you can say whatever you want!

Thanks for reading! C(o.o)D

P.S. That's a bear emoticon up there. ^