Today there's one new item (clothing, non member) and a daily Jamaaliday gift.
For the Jammers who cant seem to win any of these in Sky High.
Speaking of Sky High, I recently won a Rare Star Cape. a Rare Item Monday in Sky High. I think this destroys the purpose of Rare Item Mondays, as it says they're available to get for only one day.
Anyways, I think you're just dying to hear about today's Jamaaliday gift.
Yes, gifts.
They brought back the Gingerbread house den from last year! I remember being jealous towards my friend who had this den. :)
And this month, AJHQ has been extra generous and presented the members an extra gift. The gingerbread treehouse is a tall candy tree with a little gingerbread house in it.
That's all for now. See you in Jamaa!
I have a whole wreath coletion and I got all of them exept one untill today YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!