Please watch the video if you're curious about yourself getting into beta testing. A lot of the questions you've asked in the comments are answered around the beginning. Hey Jammers! I've recently finished two big school projects, so you should be looking forward to more interesting posts as well as the monthly Berry the Koala entry of January soon. Many posts will still be a bit late in the day (3:30 PM – 4:00 PM EST) so I'm sorry for that, but I'm trying hard to make the daily post quality higher!
EDIT: This post is so crazy late. It took really long to finish, so it's better and more thought out...? I really hope its quality erases the fact that it's freaking nighttime here.
I think I'd classify this as a "quality" post. It's gonna be MEGA long, but (I hope) very informational on a topic that y'all seem to be interested in... Play Wild beta testing! I hope you make some time to read this, I think you'd like to stay to the end. :)
But before we begin with that, the daily item is sold in Jam Mart Furniture.
A sun lamp! That looks like a sun! How clever!
You can switch it on and off by clicking. A ton of items are interactive these days...
And now the main focus of this post: A few of you have been commenting "DOOMY, SAY SOMETHING ABOUT PLAY WILD!!!" and I took them into consideration, yes I did... But then I forgot to post about them until now!! So here you have it, screenshots as well as a really nice video of the new Play Wild app!
Just, whoa.
It's amazing how we take the beautiful graphics on AJ for granted all the time. I couldn't think they could get any prettier, but now with the Play Wild app they've smoothed out the pixel-y appearance of the online version and added even MORE depth to things! Look at the shadows and the light on the ground! They even have the lady bug!
The image above is credit to mimi5000 of Animal Jam Spirit!
And now the following is an extensive video on every corner of beta so far! This was a video made by WisteriaMoon, not me. Don't credit me for this, I just wanna show it to you all! It was recommended to me by Animal Jammer. (The link goes to their Google plus, I forgot their username but I'm sure I have them on my buddy list!)
This also includes how to get into beta testing! But don't worry, it will be out soon.
Now I'm going to include screenshots from the video because if you'd care to check you'd see it's a whopping 34 minutes. So here's a brief overview of everything so far for those who don't have much time!
But if you do have the time, I highly recommend you watch the video. For a game in beta testing riddled with glitches, the animal animations flow so well! There's water that rushes and makes water sounds, and in Zios there's frog and cricket sounds... It's amazing.
The people who worked on this game put so much effort into making it beautiful. If you look closely, you'll see the dust particles floating in the rays of sunlight! The same Jam Mart music plays in here, but this is an entirely different layout. I actually love it!
There's no single catalog with every item. You can buy each item on the tables individually, too.
The pillow room is about the same layout as online. Why change it? It's lovely and peaceful as it is...
...Especially because there are no adoptions yet.
Club Geoz has the same music on– thank goodness AJHQ didn't pull a Club Penguin and hop on the dubstep train. I'm really grateful for that. Honestly.
They've almost completely perfected the illusion of depth with this game! Your vision is altered accordingly with where you are, unlike online AJ with everything being one unmoving room.
Like in the clothing shop, there are items stacked and splayed almost randomly, all of which you can buy individually. But there is a den item catalog. A literal catalog you click:
This is one of my favorite rooms so far. My first favorite is the den, though. You'll see why later...
Zios is aaaamazing! There are frog sounds, cricket sounds, water sounds... It's lovely. No rooms or games are open yet except for Falling Phantoms:
A lot more scenic than online AJ, hmmm?
Crystal Sands is gorgeous but empty. You can go down the water slide! The water is much better animated than many more popular games, just a comment. This game is so lovely!!!
Coral Canyons is detailed. If you ever get the game, be sure to check out where the waterfall pool is! It's so... [insert not-yet-used synonym for amazing]!
You can watch videos in Sarepia Theater! There's also a theater lobby, too.
But let's not forget Sarepia itself...
You can see so much from this little screenshot alone. But you really should watch the video to see the full extent of the graphics!! The trees sway in the wind and cast shadows on the ground! Oh my gosh! Oh my goshhh!!!! why am I so obsessed with shadows and lighting
This is the character decorating page. Plants everywhere!!! I'm so excited for the leaves!!!! HELP ME THIS IS SO AMAZING
And now the best for last, the amazing, super beautiful dens!!!
I just... I can't say anything. Literally nothing. This is text on a screen, I haven't said anything for the past 30 minutes.
It seems that you can place clothing in your den! You see the shirt icon at the bottom listing the types of items you can put in your den. Maybe I misread it, but it's a fun idea!
It's a beautiful, breathtaking game so far.
Hey, you wanna know what this reminds me of?
There's a fairly new (and incredibly expensive) technology really popular with gamers called an Oculus Rift. You basically put it over your eyes and become fully visually immersed in a game– all you see is the game.
Often you need to use a special first person version of the specified game and more often than not it's 3D-ified, for example the Flappy Bird version where you ARE the flappy bird.
Aside from being in third person, Play Wild is a lot how I'd imagine a first person version of AJ. Wouldn't it be cool if there was a first person version of AJ? It's a cool idea, admit it.
And finally, that's all for now. Jammers.
If you liked this post, please check out my more recent ones as well. ^_^
Can you do a video of HOW to get picked to be an animal jam beta tester and get picked? I saw her video before I saw this blog I AS AMAZED AND I WANT IN! But I don't have a tablet... I asked for one for christmas but I got a kindle. Maybe I could ask my friend for her 2nd tablet.... Lol thanks anyways!
Hi, I'm Bean2323 or Jbean2323. I was wondering if you could make play wild beta a computer game where more then androids can play it. Thx if you can, if you cant its ok. :)
Hi on Animal Jam I am mollybeanrocks I REALLY want to play this game. Graphics are beautiful, and the animals look nice too. Btw, when will the game come out???
Hi. On animal jam i am sweety08200. and i was wondering if you can contact ajhq to make the game free with computers and no download? thanks. if you can't, its ok. ~ Sweety08200AJ
Hi, mollybeanrocks again. I have a tablet but its not charged right now. ( Lol ) if anyone wants to buddy me that would be fine :) I am not a youtuber, but i would really want to be :( gift me or buddy?
I think that's because beta applications aren't being accepted anymore because the full Play Wild game is coming out this summer!!! The website was JUST about Play Wild BETA so since beta is coming to the end that site is down. And 403 forbidden doesn't mean anything bad aside from a little error that prevents you from seeing the page. But thanks, I'll remove the link. :)
me and my dad jus found out that it no longer exists it will re open soon they are fixing glitches and things that inclued scaming and stuff so ya i am starlaraine with cap s on animal jam/AJ
i dont have an adroid item and its not on USA ipads yet i tried searching it and i ended up in a Canadian app store for apple and it was there. PLZ AJ ADD IT IN AMERICA!
Beta days are the best there fun and inspiring new things! It kinda looks like the stuff in the beta games but better i mean the princess sofa/ pink sofa is so new and amazing they have so much to do like i can't even. They even have a back story its just like animal jam but it's beta!
Im canada190 and I want to get my dream item on ajpw it's a DJ head set how can I get it? I'm trying to trade but no one accepts my trade plz help me ajhq
I love Animal Jam - Play Wild! so much!!!! Wish I could go back to the beta days thought. My dream item is Faerie Wings! Please could you give me some? It would mean the world! From Chloboflower1 . xx
Heyyo! I love it when you guys comment. I'm always checking for more, so even if you comment on an older post I'll definitely see it and try to respond. :)
Before you comment, of course, here are some basic things to remember:
-Don't be mean on purpose. -Keep the comments appropriate for all ages. This is an Animal Jam blog. -No spam, please! That means no comments just saying "buddy me im animaljam123" or "hi", just add a little more than that. -Rants/long comments totally encouraged! You don't have to apologize for a long comment, I love reading them xD
-*NEW!* Please be safe about the personal information you share here, and on the internet in general. Just like AJ's in-game safety guidelines, don't share your real name, photos of yourself, phone number, address, email, or age. Always turn to a trusted adult if you're unsure about something.
Pretty easy rules. Nothing to stress about. As long as you follow them, you can say whatever you want!
Very cool and interesting post! :)
ReplyDeleteok, im shis50005, (piper) and i play AJ on my xbox360, weird right?
DeleteI would like the beta days to come back it was a very peaceful stage
Deletehow do u play it?
DeleteI wish it was for computers and my mom gave me her phone but its not an I phone so I cannot get it on it or my laptop DX
DeleteIt is not available for Androids! So check ur play store and see if you can download Animal Jam Play Wild :P Hope this helped.
DeleteCan you do a video of HOW to get picked to be an animal jam beta tester and get picked? I saw her video before I saw this blog I AS AMAZED AND I WANT IN! But I don't have a tablet... I asked for one for christmas but I got a kindle. Maybe I could ask my friend for her 2nd tablet.... Lol thanks anyways!
ReplyDeleteYep that would be helpful. Anyways, I am lovepetals01
Deletebuddy me im jaybird2004 : )
Deletebuddy me I am bunnylovel a member as well :) xx
Deletehow do you play aj play wild beta
Deletecomo jogar o selvagem beta ????
Deletei am chewbaca2005 0r tierraisme buddy either plz
DeleteWhen will It be out so everyone could know about it and so we could play it???
ReplyDeleteHi, I'm Bean2323 or Jbean2323. I was wondering if you could make play wild beta a computer game where more then androids can play it. Thx if you can, if you cant its ok. :)
ReplyDeleteDownload blue stacks, and become a tester. Then you can play it on your computer.
Deleteyou have to download blue stacks
DeleteHi on Animal Jam I am mollybeanrocks I REALLY want to play this game. Graphics are beautiful, and the animals look nice too. Btw, when will the game come out???
Deletewhat are blue stacks????
Deleteblue stacks is a app that can work on computer
DeleteWhen will the game come out?
ReplyDeleteAwesome I'm Unicorns83216
ReplyDeleteWhere do u get it?? Buddy me on Animal Jam I am once again Unicorns83216. And please gift me
ReplyDeleteHi I'm back Unicorns83216 I agree with Bean2323 can you please make it a computer game.
ReplyDeleteHi. On animal jam i am sweety08200. and i was wondering if you can contact ajhq to make the game free with computers and no download? thanks. if you can't, its ok.
ReplyDelete~ Sweety08200AJ
ReplyDelete~imawolf1111 aj
Wow i wish i could be picked im pizzaparty6565 i really want to play this so bad when is it coming out please tell me
Deleteeh..yeah right love beta more than the plane old animal jam but i dont know how to play it i am over 13 years so yeah...
DeleteSUP! Please gift me on Animal Jam... I will gift back :D Buddy me too if you want! I am Maggie0506
ReplyDeleteI am tig47776 and I am just going to say I wish I got animal jam beta!
ReplyDeleteHeyyyyyy peoples! I'm probably the most excited jammer for this app! I think it comes out in a couple months. It WILL be a while though unfortunately.
ReplyDeleteHi, mollybeanrocks again. I have a tablet but its not charged right now. ( Lol ) if anyone wants to buddy me that would be fine :) I am not a youtuber, but i would really want to be :( gift me or buddy?
ReplyDeleteI really want to be a tester SOOOOO much. It would be so helpful if it were on the computer! D:
ReplyDeletehow do u play it?
ReplyDeleteInstall blue stacks I think
DeleteNo, you sign up for it then they'll email you a thing to download the app, btw it's for android 4.1 and up
Deleteamazing sounding just say how to get to it and then I am a beta play wild animal jammer!!
Deleteok how do u get on this app???????
ReplyDeletewhen does this come out?
Deletehow do u get this app!!!!
ReplyDeleteoh my gosh peeps I so want to know how to download this game!!!!!!):(
ReplyDeleteDo I have to download this app??
ReplyDeletehow do you play it jam a gram me i am jasmine941
ReplyDeletehow do u get the app i SRSLY want it O_O
ReplyDeleteI WANT IT SOOOO BAD!!!! :D
ReplyDeleteSo many anonymous o.o
ReplyDeletei know right
DeleteHow do I get the App? :D
ReplyDeleteI love the graphics and everything. I WANT THE GAME SO BAD! :P
ReplyDeleteI do not what know to play
ReplyDeletesorry is not
ReplyDeleteplay wild beta is fun
how do you downlad it for computers
ReplyDeletehow to dolnload it ?
ReplyDeleteI can not test this App because i do not have a goggle account :( so do you know what day this app will come out in the play store?
ReplyDeletehi again i'm mollybeanrocks on animal jam and i want this app SOOOOO much! please gift meh maybe? :P i'll gift back! :D
ReplyDeleteSU KEWL
ReplyDeleteim surah4 buddy me can u play it on tablet
ReplyDeleteYeah I think so
Deleteomg please send me the link I want to be a beta tester please!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI really want to be a tester please I seen videos please it my birthday
ReplyDeleteHi! I play animal jam and wish to be a tester. However, I am not allowed. Will it be available for tablets once it's released? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteHi! I play animal jam and I've seen some videos and I just really want to play beta.
how do u play?
ReplyDeletethis game is amazing, can u only play by testing it? im yumyumpiesprinkle on animal jam jam a gram me about it plz
ReplyDeleteomg im sorry but they need dupstep
ReplyDeletehow do you get a account!
ReplyDeletehow doyou get a acct i rlly wanna know plz
ReplyDeleteI want to get it.. but idk how.. DX How do u..????
ReplyDeletei love animal jam
ReplyDeleteOMG ITS BEAUTIFUL......
ReplyDeletethe website wont let me on though i might try my other computer
ReplyDeleteHow do you down load this game? When will it be released? Can I be a tester? And how do you down load this game?
ReplyDeletewill this game come out online like animal jam plz I hope it will cuz I don't have a tablet or phone
ReplyDeleteI think that's because beta applications aren't being accepted anymore because the full Play Wild game is coming out this summer!!! The website was JUST about Play Wild BETA so since beta is coming to the end that site is down. And 403 forbidden doesn't mean anything bad aside from a little error that prevents you from seeing the page. But thanks, I'll remove the link. :)
DeleteDo u get 2 keep the stuff that u test???
ReplyDeletehow do you get it
ReplyDeleteHow do you download it? do you have to be beta on animal jam?
ReplyDeleteme and my dad jus found out that it no longer exists it will re open soon they are fixing glitches and things that inclued scaming and stuff so ya i am starlaraine with cap s on animal jam/AJ
ReplyDeleteOMG I HEARD ITS COMING OUT IN A COUPLE OF DAYS :D plus my use on aj in ningafea
ReplyDeletethe game sounds fun and I wish I could play lol but I don't have any andorids items :( but anyways can you buddy me on aj my username is fiercelover
ReplyDeleteomg thats so cool i want to play it
ReplyDeletecan u get it for laptop???
how do you download Play Wild?
ReplyDeleteyea it sounds so cool! but i cant find my tablet well i do have too so cant wait
ReplyDeleteyea it sounds so cool! but i cant find my tablet well i do have too so cant wait
ReplyDeletei dont have an adroid item and its not on USA ipads yet i tried searching it and i ended up in a Canadian app store for apple and it was there. PLZ AJ ADD IT IN AMERICA!
ReplyDeleteHey guys lookie dis:
ReplyDelete() ()
( |.|) = homemade bunny emojo :DDD
oh nvm its mickey mouse in dis typing _ _
How can you download it?
ReplyDeleteumm, how would I play Play Wild Beta App if I have an iphone, ipad, and an HP laptop??????
ReplyDeletei would really like to play this game, but when are you going to upload it so the iphone people can play it to? the people who use apples!
ReplyDeleteHey!! Why not go for Animal Jam Play Wild for the Windows phone? It would be awesome of it happens and its free ;D
ReplyDeleteidk lol can we play now ?
ReplyDeletehi guys
ReplyDeleteits me twinkle0122
oh like every 1 would hi im twinkle some thing for an exzampel hi guys its me love21234
uh whats a beata I like REALLY want to know it sounds cool btw I looooooooooooooooooove the bottom of this
ReplyDeleteI wish beta days would come back it was so peaceful and cool.
ReplyDeletei wish I could wear some beta stuff and for it to come back out!!!
ReplyDeleteBeta days are the best there fun and inspiring new things! It kinda looks like the stuff in the beta games but better i mean the princess sofa/ pink sofa is so new and amazing they have so much to do like i can't even. They even have a back story its just like animal jam but it's beta!
ReplyDeletei love the beta days
ReplyDeletei just play this game because its fun you know!
ReplyDeleteHow do you download it on your laptop ?
ReplyDeleteUse an app called Bluestacks
Deletethere are to different kinds of school beta club and this beta
ReplyDeleteDid the construction hat ever come back because I haven't seen much ppl with it, it was in beta testing when I was watching wisteriamoon
ReplyDeleteI don't think so
DeleteHey, I love this game! My user on Play Wild is SixthHorseman, I think lol. But my user on AJ PC version is Survivor2 buddy me!!
ReplyDeletei do i get into animal jam play wild on computer?
ReplyDeletep.s idk
Use an app called Bluestacks
Deleteis there a free computer way to play it with no downloading?
ReplyDeleteSadly, no. :T
Delete⊙_⊙ YOU DID WHAT
ReplyDeleteawesome game! luv it
ReplyDeleteIm canada190 and I want to get my dream item on ajpw it's a DJ head set how can I get it? I'm trying to trade but no one accepts my trade plz help me ajhq
ReplyDeleteOnce on play wild I was going around in the wolves only party and I see a random dog floating around the place!! And it was a PET!!!!!!!!!!!!😵
ReplyDelete:> :3 :^)
I love Animal Jam - Play Wild! so much!!!! Wish I could go back to the beta days thought. My dream item is Faerie Wings! Please could you give me some? It would mean the world! From Chloboflower1 . xx
ReplyDeleteI don't understand, how to download the app on my computer :( please help me :C
ReplyDeleteYou can use Bluestacks, as far as I know. Look it up on the internet.
DeleteGood luck!
ty i got betas from this!