Wednesday, July 13, 2016

The Plight of the 45 Gem Necklace

EDIT: Now I just feel silly. False alarm! Blah... I'm just gonna leave this post here as a lesson to look through EVERY page before making any claims about an item going off the shelves. This new Jam Mart Clothing layout is frustrating...

I guess Jam Mart Clothing won't be organized in terms of recent-ness anymore...
If you care to read on and laugh at me, do so. BEHOLD MY EMBARRASSMENT!!!!!!!! :O

Hey Jammers! This morning I was going through Jamaa Township to recycle some stuff in Jam Mart Furniture, when I saw what I initially assumed to be just a lazy attempt at scamming:


In a way, this is considered a subtle form of scamming because the main way that newcomers find out about what's considered "rare" is seeing what people appear to value. When people call out "TRADE ATTEMPTS FOR [insert any item here]", it can be easily assumed that whatever item they're trying to trade is worth something if you can only attempt to make an offer. This person right here is acting as if the default color of the cheapest staple item in the game is worth making trade attempts for. C'mon, now who would fall for that?

They're still in stores, anyway– wait...

Hang on, this can't be right! They're probably on the next pa–

What's going on here!? AJHQ wouldn't take necklaces off the shelves! They couldn't! It should just be a mistake–


Breaking news, guys! 45 Gem Necklaces are officially OFF THE SHELVES OF JAM MART CLOTHING!

Ah... *sheds a single tear* you never know what you have until it's gone, don't you?


The 45-gem necklace was my first item, but even sadder is that, like every other item that goes off shelves, people will use that as an excuse to call them "rare" or, Zios forbid, beta.

So... I guess there's a chance that that person doing trading attempts for their "magenta necklace" might not have been scamming, just confused. In a way, that's kind of worse because it shows how messed up this idea of "rarity" has gotten. :\

That's all for now, Jammers. See you in Jamaa, and happy trading!



  2. haha i have actually found myself doing that with a tiara


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