Thursday, April 16, 2020

Tree-planting Shop + Gardens

@Wildflower, aaaaa thank you so so much!! Send me a buddy request so I can go check it out as soon as possible, I'm so happy you were so thoughtful :)


Hey Jammers! Sorry about being so behind-schedule with posting and being online in general, I hope none of you were worried, given my history of struggling to post on time ^^; 

I'm just going through some personal difficulties right now, with online classes as the stressful cherry on top, but overall I'm alright. No worries, so onto the post!!

Spring has fully sprung (I think!) and in the spirit of the change and rebirth that happens in Springtime, AJHQ is beginning to roll out new environmental initiatives as part of their Playing4ThePlanet commitments.

What do I mean by that? If you aren't aware, Wildworks joined a big group of gaming companies in making personal commitments to use their platforms to help the environment. 

The specific commitments of Wildworks are...

(Click to read the image)

This new tree-planting shop (along with the Jamaa Journal page on it) is a slow beginning into both the climate education commitment and the planting trees commitment. I think it's pretty cool!!

What I'm curious about is what it really means by planting a tree for every new membership. Usually, when a company does that, it means donating a portion of proceeds toward some other group that plants trees. 

But the question remains: who is planting the trees? Who is taking care of them? For what purpose: to be cut down eventually for paper production while temporarily taking pollution out of the air (which goes back into the air once it's cut down), or to live out their lives, cleaning the air and helping ecosystems? I'm interested in maybe asking someone at Wildworks what this tree-planting goal exactly entails. Eventually. :P

Regardless, look at these cool trees:

I can't really decide on my favorite. Admittedly, I think they could be more detailed looking (if you compare that last one to the real lacks a little), but I'm not gonna obsess over it because AJHQ is trying their best.

If you didn't know, the tree banners in Jamaa are where you buy the trees. Unfortunately, this means there's no room to add in real facts about deforestation or trees, but it's a start.

Here are the above trees in real life!:

Bet you can guess which is which. It's pretty clear, I'd say. 

Maybe one day I'd like to work at AJHQ to bring more natural education into it. But that's a daydream for another day...

The next star of the update: the massive, unfortunately-members-only garden bundle of items:

Does anyone remember the original garden plot? The original garden plants?

Probably, because I think they may be considered rare nowadays:

Which gardening set do you like better?

In my opinion, there's no contest, because of all the visually interesting gradients in the older garden, but you already knew I was gonna say that :P

Also, if you had enough garden plots you could make a pretty nice nonmember floor! If they weren't so sought after, maybe I'd have a chance at that

Alright everyone, I have an online class in exactly 7 minutes. I'll try to actually follow my posting schedule next time! These are difficult times for everyone.

See you in Jamaa <3



  1. Don't worry about not posting regularly, we understand. :) Online classes and assignments can get pretty stressful. I really like the look of the trees and the garden items, but I think I like the original garden items better.

    1. Thank you so much, snowdrop!! It's wonderful to see you comment after a long while :D

  2. I think the new trees in AJ are really close to what they actually look like in real life!!! As for the gardening bundles, I definitely like the older one better... but there is one item I really like in the newer one, which is the sprouting plant item. I forget what it's called :/
    My least favorite items in the new gardening bundle is DEFINITELY the hedge mazes. There's something about the stone that bothers me a lot, but I can't place it.

    P.S. The old garden bundle is worth spikes. That means I have no chance of getting it.

    1. That sprout item is also my favorite out of the new set! I think a nonmember item that looks the most similar to it is the Trial Potted Plant (from Trials of Zios) so that could be a good alternative if membership is an issue

      And I agree about the hedge mazes!! They're just blocks of solid colors. They don't even look like hedges, and the stones have the same problem. No shadows or gradient colors like the cooler items of times past. As I had mentioned in a previous post, I believe the reason why a lot of more recent items aren't that interesting looking is because Wildworks has temporarily outsourced AJ updates to other studios while they work on

      And I feel ya about the old garden set... to put it in perspective, I have about 12 clothing items total XD not much space for trading

    2. P.S. if you haven't changed your mind about your drawing, I'd really love to see it!! Send me a buddy request if you like, I think your den is locked

    3. OH MY GOODNESS It's so so cute!!! :') I have no idea why you said it's "not that good" cuz I love everything about it; the bamboo, the purple spirals, and even the colors of the grass and sky just go together so well. I am so honored that you made this wonderful drawing!!! It makes me so happy to be a part of this wonderful slice of the Jamaa community :')

    4. Thank you so much!!! It makes me happy to be part of this wonderful Animal Jam Stream community.


  3. I traded away almost all of my old gardening items (the plot and tomatoes), much to my dismay, but I'm not really a trader nowadays. Still, a pity I guess. Love the tomato items-

    1. Same here. I loved how the old garden plants would gradually grow and let you "pick" them-- it's the cute details that matter

  4. 1st comment
    Anyway hi i have a surprise for you... if you search up Pikahalo (capital P) and look for my panda (NOT MY RED ONE) you can see that it looks like you. just a little gift from a fan :3

    1. I saw it and it's awesome!!!!! It honestly makes me wanna go back and start dressing my panda up that way again :D

      Thank you, Pikahalo <3 cool username by the way!

  5. I finally learned how to draw! Also, I got a membership and then I saw the tree anouncement. I understand about the blog posts, I had to make one for English and I'm surprised anyone ever posts.

    1. That's so cool! Drawing can take time to get comfortable with. I've been drawing all my life and honestly I'm still not super confident with it. Be patient with yourself and I'm sure you'll create beautiful things :)

      Yeah, writing regularly for anything takes a lot of effort. Though even when it's hard for me to focus, I love this little slice of the Jamaa community too much to ever let it go ^-^

    2. Yeah, I watched a ton of animtions on youtube to see how wolves worked.


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P.S. That's a bear emoticon up there. ^