Sunday, October 30, 2022

Happy Halloweeny

Hi Jammers! I've been super busy with school stuff as you could probably guess, but I just thought I'd check in and wish all who celebrate it a happy and safe Halloween tomorrow c:

And to those who don't celebrate it, I hope you have a great day too. I don't really think I'm gonna do much myself... maybe at most I'll just paint my face green and call it a day.

Kind of annoying that midterms have to be right around Halloween, but what can ya do.

Well, in the spirit of Halloween (not), I thought I'd share another one of my photos! Shiver in fear at the sight of...

bunny ( ̄ ̄)

Yes. This bunny was outside my window for about an hour a couple of weeks ago, just relaxing and looking very round. You could have drawn a circle and put some lil ears on top, and it would be 100% correct. 

Oh! Kind of on an unrelated note...

Remember in the last post when I mentioned something about Flash being the reason for AJC's lack of updates? 

Well, it looks like I had totally missed a great explanatory post made by jrl4547 over on their blog! 

You might already know about this because it's been a while, but if you want some more clarity (and a bit of hope) about AJC, I highly recommend you check it out. 

Hmm... I guess I should go back and disappear into the homework vortex now. But first, let's visit the Phantom Vortex! Haven't done that in a while.

It has an out-of-place shop thing there now. 

Pretty standard re-colored fare. Looks like the Bat Zombie mask is nonmember-- too bad it's so ugly.

Moving on– hey, what's that?


aww yeah. Halloween time.

See you in Jamaa!


  1. Happy half a month late Halloween (literally)!!! I don't know why I didn't see this till now. Midterms? Yeah they sucked.

    I adore that bunny photo. Bunnies are always so PRECIOUS!!!! I always look out the window and say "tu zi! (bunny! in Mandarin)" whenever I see one because I feel the need to announce the presence of an adorable ball of fluff... that's a great picture too -- you captured the bunny's roundness perfectly ^v^

    Again, happy halloween! Your tiger looks great with that creature mask :) and thanks for letting me know about the AJC Flash post over on jrl's blog!


    1. Thank you so much, Wild!! Happy belated Halloween to you too! ^-^

      Glad you like the photo! That bunny was so chill.. while they were there at one point they were just lying on their side, it was so cute. There's so many bunnies in my neighborhood but I still always gasp in happiness when I see one X)

      And I think this might be the first time there's been a nonmember variant of the Creature Mask? I've always liked that item so this was a nice lil surprise

  2. hiya doomy! the jamaalidays are out, and there's sort of.. new content on ajpc!! they released a recolor of the gingerbread den won't believe. there's a certain item back in jam mart clothing....

    1. Ay thanks for the heads up! I'll go check that out :)

  3. happy late halloween! (so late that halloween season has turned into hanukah season...) as always, i love to see your halloween banner

    funny thing about the classic creature mask- it was part of the first wild weekend of the month, with a bunch of other classic monster masks (most of which were nonmember versions of member masks... sorry you missed it). but for some reason, while the rest of the masks left the store, the creature one didn't. i think they accidentally left it in haha

    1. Happy late Hanukah, jrl! :D
      Sorry I'm so late replying to comments, I really have been a ghost panda for the past bunch of months lol

      Glad the creature masked stayed behind for some reason! I hadn't had much time to be up to date with AJ stuff so I'm glad I didn't miss everything


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P.S. That's a bear emoticon up there. ^