Friday, September 6, 2019

A Terrifyingly Tall Birthday Cake

Hey Jammers! The beginning of September when I start school is always a strange and hopeful time for me, especially now that I'm going to a completely different school. 

Still, even though it's finally the end of my first week, I feel more energized than exhausted, so I thought I'd fill you all in on the highlights of yesterday's update!

It's 2019's final Wild Weekend! From this point on, we'll be back to our normal schedule of biweekly Thursday updates.

You can flip items upside down now. Not that exciting, in my opinion, but it's something new to experiment with!

Flip a bowl upside down, what do you get?

Ceiling bowl B)

I also noticed that Long Shot is double gems for the next couple week. I like Long Shot... it's soothing, in a way, to just watch an armadillo fly for miles and wonder when they'll slow down.

I think the first time I played Long Shot I got lucky and the armadillo flew for 10 whole minutes XD

EDIT: Snakes are coming to Play Wild!

Now... how long will it be until they come to desktop AJ? o_o

Animal Jam's NINTH birthday is here/is coming up soon! The tradition, as in every year, is a code giving everyone a special cake that acts as a sort of puzzle.

To start, click this ice cream to add the second layer to the cake:

Next, click this wand to make the third:

And click the farthest left candle to add the blue layer:

And so on...

And so on...

And– WOW it's getting tall:



And finally, click the top candle to make the cake burst into flames! 

In my opinion... this isn't really my favorite cake. It's pretty generic and doesn't feel as Animal Jam-y as it should.

But it's the ninth!!!! Nine years of AJ... wow. Let's wish Animal Jam many more years <3

Here are a couple of my favorite AJ b-day cakes from over the years:

I like the 1st Birthday Cake the best because it looks nice on its own without having to be clicked a million times (though that process is kinda fun)

I also like this "phase" of the 4th Birthday Cake :)

Happy 9th birthday, Animal Jam!


Still working on the new layout– recently got a nice stylus to use with an art app, so that will help me draw graphics easier than with a mouse! I hope to work on it this weekend

See you all in Jamaa!!!


  1. 9 years of AJ... snakes on pw? I guess feral will be coming out soon for beta testing. Why do I feel like all the animals people suggest for AJ go on play wild? I need to get cake.. may be a little while though until I get it, hopefully this weekend though :) Sorry for the rambling. Which stylus and app are using for the graphics?

    1. Oh, speaking of Feral, I recently saw a comment from a developer on my original Feral post! It didn't have any new info, but it was a nice surprise. I might mention it in an upcoming post as I've never got a comment from anyone associated with WildWorks on my blog before haha

      And as for your last question, I'm using an Adonit Jot Pro 4 stylus and the ProCreate app! Well, actually, I didn't get time to use that app this weekend, so I'm PLANNING to use it, but I really like the stylus so far. It's precise and easy to use

      And I feel the same way about Play Wild!!! C'mon... we need snakes too :0

    2. Oooh I have an adonit pixel stylus for my ipad mini, I used it for a bit since I didn't have an ipad pro. I used pro create too. I bought an ipad pro in September finally so I have an apple pencil that I use now XD

  2. I would agree that the 9th Bday cake isn't the best, probably one of the worst tbh (in my opinion).
    I like that you explained how to make the cake taller although I wouldn't think it would make it any better.

    I haven't seen that 4th Birthday Cake before but it's so cute! Also don't worry about the layout too much, it can be pretty stressful at times. I'm so happy you got a new Stylus though.

    1. Yeah, I think I agree with you haha

      The 4th Birthday Cake doesn't come looking like it does in the picture I chose, that's just my favorite "phase" of it that comes halfway through clicking around it :)

      And thank you! I'm trying to get better at digital art, so I thought using a stylus on an iPad would be easier than drawing with a mouse

  3. I agree. When I was clicking on the cake I thought to myself, "How big is this cake going to be..."
    It's terrifyingly tall.

    1. A shorter cake would be a nice change next year XD

      I wonder what AJ will do for its 10-year birthday. Hmm...

  4. Can I please know when you'll add a search bar to your blog?

    1. I think the bar at the very very top of this page can be used as a search bar for now, but I'll be adding a nicer looking one as soon as I find time/motivation lol

  5. I hate that your cake will burst into flames after HOURS of knowing the secret. AJ REALLY LOVES TO MAKE ANNOYING UPDATES SUCH AS THE FLIPPIN DEN ITEMS (in my opinion) They freaked me half to death when I visited AJHQ'S den. Don't hate me if I hate to flip da den items. Please? It's just my opnion. TvT


Heyyo! I love it when you guys comment. I'm always checking for more, so even if you comment on an older post I'll definitely see it and try to respond. :)

Before you comment, of course, here are some basic things to remember:

-Don't be mean on purpose.
-Keep the comments appropriate for all ages. This is an Animal Jam blog.
-No spam, please! That means no comments just saying "buddy me im animaljam123" or "hi", just add a little more than that.
-Rants/long comments totally encouraged! You don't have to apologize for a long comment, I love reading them xD

-*NEW!* Please be safe about the personal information you share here, and on the internet in general. Just like AJ's in-game safety guidelines, don't share your real name, photos of yourself, phone number, address, email, or age. Always turn to a trusted adult if you're unsure about something.

Pretty easy rules. Nothing to stress about. As long as you follow them, you can say whatever you want!

Thanks for reading! C(o.o)D

P.S. That's a bear emoticon up there. ^