Friday, August 21, 2020

Multiple Capitals + Play for the Planet Update

Hey Jammers! It's me, DoomyPanda, back yet again with another short post about usernames–– though I think this one will be more informative.

If you've joined AJ within the past few years, you might have at some point found someone with a username with multiple capital letters in it and wondered how they got it.

At some point in the past few years, an update silently removed the ability to make new accounts with multiple capital letters in their name. Because of this, having multiple capitals in a name can be the mark of someone who's been playing for a long time!

But... why is having multiple caps no longer approved?

For a while, this was a mystery to me.

But then I remembered.... a certain jammer on my buddy list, who's username has since been converted to one of those Jammer[random numbers] names.

This person's original name?


You might be wondering how I even remember that, given that this person's username has been changed.

But I want you to look closely at it. Notice anything?





The lowercase letters spell fluffy, and the capital letters spell sheep!

I met this person within the first couple years of me playing AJ, and it probably took years before I was looking at my buddy list one day and finally figured it out xD

It's a really clever idea for a username... but these kinds of usernames are unfortunately most likely why multiple caps got banned. If you can spell something cool like fluffy sheep... you could also spell something not that cool, if ya know what I mean :0

So.. I guess there's a good reason why you can't put multiple caps in your username anymore!

I'm glad AJHQ didn't change usernames like mine to fit their new rule. Rainbow000Pegasus would be a lot less symmetrical if that happened xD


I was about to end this post here, but then I found some new information on Wildworks' involvement in Playing for the Planet:


So, the official Playing For The Planet site put out an update of what all the participating game developing companies have done so far:

The lead designer of Animal Jam Classic says that Wildworks' next steps are to "refine and expand the renewable energy system," which isn't very clear but I hope we get some cooler things out of it!

So this only talks about the Eco-System, which is great and all, but none of the other commitments Wildworks made are mentioned.

These commitments Wildworks made earlier this past year in the Playing for the Planet process are still up on the website:

Earlier this year, there were about two weeks where if you bought a membership, part of that money would go towards a tree planting effort. We never got any updates on exactly how that would work, and if they would keep doing that, as this original pledge entails. 

My theory is that the current pandemic is making these pledges difficult somehow, though I'm not sure. I'm hoping that they won't just get swept under the rug, and that when times are better they'll be revisited. 

What do you think about all this? Do you have any other environmental ideas for Animal Jam?

Comment below, and I'll see you in Jamaa :D


  1. Hey, DoomyPanda! I've been a GIGANTIC fan of yours and this is my first comment.
    I was wondering if you could buddy me on AJ Classic? My username is Vaina70 :)

    1. Yay a new commenter!! :D
      I'm glad you like this silly blog! Sure, I can buddy you ^-^

    2. Aaaaa I looked you up and it says "That Jammer couldn't be found" >.<
      Did your username get changed?

  2. Personally, aside from making "cool names" with the capitalizations, people may also use it to confuse others. Let's say a scammer with the name, in all lower case is "lilyandlilac", but used capitalizations in the middle of their name to be able to spell the same word but with different letters. In all lower case, they can spell the name as "iiiyandiilac" but capitalizing the "i"s and makes it harder for people to find and report them.
    That's just a theory though, but definitely also to avoid people making "cool names".

    That aside I would have fought to get my username back if they were to change it aha, as I am very fond of my username. It's a bummer newer users can't have capitalizations though, since I do like my capitalizations to separate words from one another.

    1. Hey I didn't think of that! I can also imagine some impersonation happening that way as well. I guess I'm a little more grateful for this rule now haha

  3. im more of player, i joined in 2016 lol... i obviously didn't have this option, and i have this problem where i change accounts everyday, its kinda a habbit aha,, but im ALL about unique usernames and i learned of special characters. you have to copy and paste to use them, and is a very easy way to make a cool and unique username!!! i personally thought it wasn't a thing anymore, i have a old account with special characters in the username, and i thought you couldn't do that anymore, so i thought i was cool until i found out ;-;

    anyway, the caps username is a very interesting topic and its cool to see all caps users, it shows they are long time players!! props to them!! (especially you!)

    1. Eh, I still think usernames with special characters are cool! Though I also imagine needing to copy and paste your user every time you log in can get tedious sometimes lol

      And hi new commenter!


Heyyo! I love it when you guys comment. I'm always checking for more, so even if you comment on an older post I'll definitely see it and try to respond. :)

Before you comment, of course, here are some basic things to remember:

-Don't be mean on purpose.
-Keep the comments appropriate for all ages. This is an Animal Jam blog.
-No spam, please! That means no comments just saying "buddy me im animaljam123" or "hi", just add a little more than that.
-Rants/long comments totally encouraged! You don't have to apologize for a long comment, I love reading them xD

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Pretty easy rules. Nothing to stress about. As long as you follow them, you can say whatever you want!

Thanks for reading! C(o.o)D

P.S. That's a bear emoticon up there. ^