Thursday, November 22, 2018

Wolfenoot + AJHQ Clickbaits us

Hay!! Remember when I said I wouldn't post today? Guess I lied :P

I just felt inspired because I went to the AJ Instagram page to see what was up, clicked on the update sneak peak, and got more than a little excited because I noticed...

This part. AJHQ looking quizzically at the Zios statue; the entrance to the Forgotten Archive.

Comparing this to past Sneak Peek videos I've seen, I assumed this implied that something spooky was going on down there. 

I logged on for the first time in way too long, flipped through the Jamaa Journal (who's redesign I still can't understand after all these years), came across some cool stuff:

Wolfenoot! What a great holiday, and you can buy that adorable cake in Jam Mart Furniture for all Jammers!

In celebration, here's a fun fact about why wolves are so important: 

Wolves have been living in North America for thousands of years, but in the early 1900's, people's overzealous fear of wolves led to the murder of nearly all wolves in Yellowstone National Park. 

People did not understand the repercussions of such an act, and the entire landscape suffered in the absence of wolves. Because wolves were not around to limit the elk population, there were too many elk for the ecosystem to support. 

Many tree species were becoming close to extinct, because all of the new spring sprouts were eaten before they could make new seeds. 

It was a domino effect, and the absence of these trees to hold the soil together increased erosion and impacted the whole landscape. 

In 1995, wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone, and things quickly returned to balance. Like many predators humans are scared of, wolves are a keystone species. The entire ecosystem depends on them to keep things in balance.

Bottom line: don't be scared of wolves, be scared of a world without wolves!

Back to the topic of AJ. I've always had Countess Spookypanda as my first animal, but this is how my second animal looked. I had to periodically recycle Wretched Spiritstar once I started being nonmember if I wanted to visit the oceans. This is why nonmembers need at least one extra animal slot if you want us to visit the oceans more! 

Random idea: what if there was a scuba item that let land animals go underwater? This isn't as good an idea as giving nonmembers just one extra slot, as it would defeat the purpose of ocean animals, but I can't believe I've only just thought of it now.

Ok, back to how I started this post.

I went to The Temple of Zios on an empty server (most servers were crowded as heck), expecting something interesting to occur. A new lore event, perhaps? Or a new page from Zios' records available to read?



AJHQ clickbaited us.

In fact, if you go to the Animal Jam Instagram page and watch the newest Sneak Peek for yourself, it's ALL clickbait. Nothing in it is relevant except when "Refer a friend!" is flashed at the end.

In the end, I'm not too upset about it, because we have a cute Wolfenoot cake, but that is not how you should do a Sneak Peak. C'mon, AJHQ. :\

If you aren't yet aware, there's a new thing that grants people who refer others some interesting eagle patterns/textures:

Jammerpaws, hmm...

How will Jammerpaws feel now that their username is famous???

Ehhh... they probably won't notice. It doesn't look like they've logged on since 2013 XD

Before I go, here's a pretty graphic that was in this week's issue of the Jamaa Journal. Maybe someday I'll make it transparent– dunno how I'd use it, but it looks nice.

Wow, posting was easier than I thought! :D

See you in Jamaa, guys, and don't forget to vote on the poll to the right of the blog! ^-^

I should update the blog background to make it more seasonal. But it's already so prettyyyy >_<


  1. I feel like wolfenoot should have a better name

  2. How do you put polls on your blog? For me, it is not on the add a gadget thing.

    1. Blogger actually removed that gadget for some reason! It's awful.

      I've been using It's very easy and helpful.

  3. AJ's sneakpeaks have been... useless? lately?

    1. Agreed. I think they just have very generic sneak peek videos stockpiled in a folder for when they're too busy to make an actual one.

      As Tigerlypaws said, AJHQ is most likely busy with planning for the shift away from flash player, which is fairly big, so I think I'll forgive them for skimping on some updates.

  4. Use it as a rare item monday... thing!

    1. I was thinking about that! Then again, when's the last time I posted about a Rare Item Monday? XD


Heyyo! I love it when you guys comment. I'm always checking for more, so even if you comment on an older post I'll definitely see it and try to respond. :)

Before you comment, of course, here are some basic things to remember:

-Don't be mean on purpose.
-Keep the comments appropriate for all ages. This is an Animal Jam blog.
-No spam, please! That means no comments just saying "buddy me im animaljam123" or "hi", just add a little more than that.
-Rants/long comments totally encouraged! You don't have to apologize for a long comment, I love reading them xD

-*NEW!* Please be safe about the personal information you share here, and on the internet in general. Just like AJ's in-game safety guidelines, don't share your real name, photos of yourself, phone number, address, email, or age. Always turn to a trusted adult if you're unsure about something.

Pretty easy rules. Nothing to stress about. As long as you follow them, you can say whatever you want!

Thanks for reading! C(o.o)D

P.S. That's a bear emoticon up there. ^