Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Zios Flower Experiment + Jambassador Plushies PSA

Hey Jammers! Even though I've been really busy in my life this school year, I promise to all of you that I will not stop posting. I'm not losing interest in AJ or AJ blogging– I'm just going through some difficulties right now. Sorry for the lack of content– but it won't be forever!

That being said, I promise to post AT LEAST every biweekly update, even while I'm busy.

It's not the biweekly update today, but a small thing in The Lost Temple of Zios has been on my mind today:

The four flowers.

When you click them, they make a whimsical little sound and change colors, but did you know that they do something special when all four become the same color? (Other than white, that is)

I made a post about this in the early days of Animal Jam Stream, but I thought I'd revisit it with a little experiment:

How many clicks does it take to get all the flowers the same color?

How much time?

So I set a stopwatch and started clicking...

Halfway through, I noticed the four flowers did a little bit of the special thing when the top two and the bottom left one change to the same color. It happened pretty fast so I didn't get a screenshot, but I thought it was worth noting.

I counted each time I clicked on the flowers (though I may have skipped a number or two, you never know). 

And finally...


After 3 minutes, 39 seconds, and 97 clicks, all the flowers were blue! As you can see, when all the flowers are the same color, they send up sparkly dusty stars that may supposed to be pollen.

So does it take the same amount of clicks every time? Or is it randomly decided when the four flowers will match?

To get to the bottom of this mystery, and to add more content to this post, I repeated this experiment...

Same as last time, halfway through the top and bottom left flowers matched, BUT they didn't show any sparkles at all, so forget what I said up above lol

After 74 clicks exactly, the mystery is now solved:

The amount of clicks it takes to get the four flowers to match is completely random!

I hope this experiment was at least a little bit more interesting than showing you the new items ^^;

Speaking of new items, a little PSA about the Jambassador Plushies that are slowly being released:

Not only is the Chocolate4Froggy plushie available in the Flamingo Claw, ALL of the above plushies are going to be available in their respective Claws soon.

The CupcakeCeline one and the Pugfluff one already are in the bunny and otter claws, and the WisteriaMoon one will be in the Wolf Claw on November 1st.

So don't go trading all your favorite items for these yet! In fact, we don't know if more won't come out in the Claw, so to be safe, just don't trade for them for a while.

This has been a PSA~

Alright, Jammers. See you in Jamaa! 


  1. Hey doomy! Really been loving your blog so far, ive been reading it on and off for about... i wanna say 2 years altogether? Anyways, just wondering, what do you think of ajhq's transition from educational content to more... capitalist? based game(s). Back when i joined in 2014 i had a blast, right until early 2015/ late 2014 when i noticed alot less nat geo stuff. They even removed the thing in Brady's lab where you can go on a choose-your-own-adventure like story. I loved that so much! Even the alphas seem more superhero-y then what they once were. i remember when they were called shamans, and looked more mystical and mysterious but now? they just seem so.. bland.

    Hoping for your feedback. -xXtigerkingformeXx

    1. Yay!! I love when new people comment! :D

      I think I have pretty much the same feelings as you on this issue, haha. I really miss when the alphas were called shamans! They had a whole different tone to them that mixed much better with the mystery and natural beauty of Jamaa (and the real life nature that inspired Jamaa).

      The transition away from the mystery element of AJ probably has to do with the creative confusion that comes when a company expands a lot. There were probably just so many people working with different opinions on the game's direction (or no opinions at all, maybe) that they just decided to stick to what they felt was "tried-and-true" to get kids' attention.

      However, I still have hope!! You may have heard that Wildworks recently joined a coalition of game developers with the goal of using their platforms to help and raise awareness/education about nature and environmental issues. Wildworks specifically pledged to incorporate more of that kind of educational content into the game (as well as plant a tree for every new membership-- I'm curious as to how that will go)
      This initiative is called "Playing for the Planet", and I'm really hoping it will give AJHQ a stronger push to focus more on the nature elements of AJ (as opposed to just fantasy, but thats cool too of course) and in turn, help AJ be more itself c:

      Thank you so much for commenting!!!

  2. I always love collecting personalized plushies haha, even if it's not mine pfft-
    I'll have to go on a plushie hunt soon!

    On a side note, that's something interesting you did there. I'd never have the patience if it took over fifty clicks haha.

    1. I'm hoping the Snowyclaw plushie eventually ends up in the claw! That's the one I'm the most excited about hehe

      And thank you XD

  3. Hmmm thats interesting with the flowers, I remember clicking them before, but I never knew about the sound or the stars! Its gonna be so cool with the jambassador plushies


Heyyo! I love it when you guys comment. I'm always checking for more, so even if you comment on an older post I'll definitely see it and try to respond. :)

Before you comment, of course, here are some basic things to remember:

-Don't be mean on purpose.
-Keep the comments appropriate for all ages. This is an Animal Jam blog.
-No spam, please! That means no comments just saying "buddy me im animaljam123" or "hi", just add a little more than that.
-Rants/long comments totally encouraged! You don't have to apologize for a long comment, I love reading them xD

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Pretty easy rules. Nothing to stress about. As long as you follow them, you can say whatever you want!

Thanks for reading! C(o.o)D

P.S. That's a bear emoticon up there. ^