Friday, July 10, 2020

AJHQ Replies + other random stuff

Hey Jammers! I only have a handful of small things to talk about, but I thought hey, why not post today? :)

So while this doesn't directly relate with new things coming to AJ, I'm always interested in the popularity and mechanics of Animal Jam, and apparently AJ is actually extremely popular right now because everyone is trapped inside. 

Maybe that's predictable, but it's interesting as well, given how common the "AJ is ded ):" sentiment is. (Maybe some aspects of AJ are "dead" right now–– updates namely, but it seems to still be very popular.)

Clark Stacey (CEO of Wildworks) talked about how more kids are on AJ at a public virtual conference a few days ago–– which I missed, unfortunately, and I can't find any recordings online :\

It's annoying that I always miss conferences featuring Wildworks because that's where new updates get hinted at sometimes. 

Looking at the announcement page for the event, it says the conference would involve different companies looking at the future of their brands, so maybe Clark had something to say about future AJ plans:

Ah well. I guess I'll never know :|

Moving on... a handful of small things!

First up, an unintentionally ominous sounding reply from AJHQ about the eco items.

I haven't been online enough this month to get the wind turbine, but apparently the AJ Classic glitch was fixed and you should be getting a wind turbine if you log in at least 5 days in July! If you want to know more, Rainbow000Pegasus wrote about how it works in this post

Hope we'll get some actually cool eco items. Kinda weird that right now, the only things you can get with Eco Credits are items to get more Eco Credits. 

Next up, another notable comment reply from AJHQ!:

I kept looking through the comment section and apparently this is AJHQ's constant response to any questions about an item's so-called worth.

I agree 100%. Though, of course if AJHQ announced this in a more big way, I feel like they'd get a lot of confused angry backlash from people who swear by a system of set item worth.

Do y'all think the idea of item worth makes trading easier, or harder? Comment please, I'm genuinely curious what you think. 

Next small thing...

Anyone else feel like every time AJHQ emphasizes Play Wild is like a mini slap in the face?

They clearly want you to play Play Wild instead. Even if it makes more money, I still don't think that's a good reason. I hope one day we'll get a real explanation.

And finally...

I just thought this nonmember wolf looked cool C:

Well, that's all the content I have for ya today. Not much, but I hope you liked reading nonetheless!

Here's that question again for the comments: 

Do y'all think the idea of item worth makes trading easier, or harder? 

I hope you'll comment your opinion :3c 

See you in Jamaa!



  1. Ah yes, AJHQ emphasizing Play Wild... it's like they're saying "There's no use playing Animal Jam PC, come and play 'Animal Jam' (in quotes because I don't think of it that way) and get new updates every second, new items for every seasonal party, animals arriving every few weeks, and an exclusive boat ride in the newest den (this is true)."

    And having a set worth makes trading much, much harder for poor, un-rare nonmembers who just want to help a slightly rare, poor, nonmember who people take advantage of for her adventuring skills and slightly rare items. It makes common items rare and slightly-more-uncommon items unrare.

    Really worth just makes a bunch of jammers say, "ACCEPTING DEN BETAS FOR MY SPIKE NO WALLS OR FLOORS" because they're afraid of getting "scammed". It's not scamming if I give you something worth 3 RIMS that you like.

    If 2 people like each other's items and make a trade that is not "fair" according to the wiki, then fine. I think the 2 people would agree that it was a good trade.


    P.S. That was supposed to be a one-sentence comment. Sorry if it's impossible to understand I just can't stop myself from ranting.

    1. No, you're making perfect sense!! The Animal Jam Stream comment section is the perfect place to rant :D

      I agree with you. With a system of "worth", I can barely trade at all because I have less than 20 clothing items total and only a handful are kinda rare. And don't even get me started on the spike rarity system xD

      Also, are people seriously saying that trades that they willingly accept and later find out to be "unfair" are scams?? I feel like in most cases those are not scams. Maybe a scam would be saying "this [store bought] tiara is super rare and beta so you should give me [insert high-demand item here] for it". A scam wouldn't be accepting a trade for an item because you like the item for how it looks, and later be told that it "wasn't fair"

      A scam would be being told that you need to do a "trust" trade through the gifting system instead of the trade system. That rarely ends up well lol


Heyyo! I love it when you guys comment. I'm always checking for more, so even if you comment on an older post I'll definitely see it and try to respond. :)

Before you comment, of course, here are some basic things to remember:

-Don't be mean on purpose.
-Keep the comments appropriate for all ages. This is an Animal Jam blog.
-No spam, please! That means no comments just saying "buddy me im animaljam123" or "hi", just add a little more than that.
-Rants/long comments totally encouraged! You don't have to apologize for a long comment, I love reading them xD

-*NEW!* Please be safe about the personal information you share here, and on the internet in general. Just like AJ's in-game safety guidelines, don't share your real name, photos of yourself, phone number, address, email, or age. Always turn to a trusted adult if you're unsure about something.

Pretty easy rules. Nothing to stress about. As long as you follow them, you can say whatever you want!

Thanks for reading! C(o.o)D

P.S. That's a bear emoticon up there. ^