Sunday, July 19, 2020

Thinking About New Items


You know how Animal Jam keeps making new items?

I mean... duh, of course you know. 

Most of AJHQ's effort goes toward making new items and rereleasing older items on a daily basis. There is literally at least one item that comes to shops every day. 

*advertiser voice* Aaaand the best way to keep track of the new items is to read Rainbow000Pegasus' Animal Jam blog!!! Updated daily!!!

However, as we all know... it's not like Jammers are fighting tooth and nail to get their paws on the kinds of new items we get. 

I'd say that a lot of them might fade into obscurity because it's hard to know how to use them in a den. 

In fact, I bet there are some items that came and went without any fan fare that could be considered very rare, but no one thinks of them as that because they're kind of useless. I don't have any examples right now... but it's a theory.

Does anyone actually use this in their den? Would anyone even want to lay eyes on it for more than 30 seconds?
So all of this got me thinking.

Because most new items pretty much go ignored, what if AJHQ stopped making so many new items?

What if that effort was allocated to cooler new features? Making actually new nature-learning content to live up to Animal Jam's name, new adventures, and more dedicated Playing4thePlanet stuff are all good ideas.

Admittedly, AJHQ probably emphasizes making new items every day because they're probably really easy to code at this point, and features that are entirely new are more difficult to manage. But it's clear that people are running out of ideas for items.

It kind of makes me wish that I had better digital art skills because I think I could come up with some good ideas for new items.

But the point is, even though AJHQ focuses most of its content around new items, they are not why most people are playing AJ–– even the most avid traders. 

Those are all my thoughts for now, but what are yours? Comment below!

See you in Jamaa~ :D



  1. I agree with you, I wish they would put more effort into other things. It would be really great to get a new adventure, den, or land. I also wish they would make more nature-y den items.

    1. Natural den items are the best den items, in my opinion.

      I wish they'd take more artistic inspiration from older natural items (that are chunkier and use gradients) instead of a lot of the really basic solid color items we see now. I think that's what makes older items cooler

  2. Yes! We haven't had a new adventure in AGES, and I (being an avid Level 19 adventurer) am just SITTING AROUND and WAITING for ANIMAL JAM HQ to DO SOMETHING!

    I've seen many comments on the Daily Explorer from jammers proposing new adventure ideas. I like reading through the comments (nerdy jammer over here) and whenever I see one of those I get really really excited. I start thinking about how fun that plot would be...

    ...until I log onto AJ and get hit by the hard reality of Play Wild being emphasized.

    I also really miss new features. When was the last time we got one that was actually unique to Animal Jam PC and not recycled? OH RIGHT UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...

    I haven't been around long enough to experience that wonderful phenomenon. (I joined in Feburary of 2019.)

    I've been thinking about how jammers don't really need all these new items. Most of the dens I make are made from items released like 2 years ago, as most of mine are from adventures (I told you I was an avid adventurer.) These new items are great, but we don't need them. I feel like what's making AJPC seem a little less attractive than AJPW is the fact that...

    AJPW gets SO. MANY. NEW. FEATURES. not to mention practically daily advertising on the daily explorer


    we don't need items, AJHQ! We want features! Adventures! Anything! I beg you. I know that items are probablyyyyy infinitely easier to code than adventures but I guess coding a LOT of these new items might total to the amount of code it takes to make an adventure...?

    Ok I'm sorry for that huge rant that took me a pathetic 15 minutes to type...


    1. I also really like reading Daily Explorer comments! The D.E. is harder to access now from the homepage, so it's cool that so many people are still checking up on it like I am. Wish they still wrote cool informational posts about animals, but you probably already knew I was gonna say that xD

      Wildflower, thanks for your long comments! You don't need to apologize, they bring life to this blog and you have insightful things that need to be said. Bring on the rants!!

  3. Yes I definitely agree. I've recently been trying out something called Google Canvas, I don't know if you know about it but basically it's Google's free digital art program. And you'd think that because it's free, and because it comes with most devices (such as the Chromebook, and my mom's Mac) that it wouldn't have that many cool features? But no, it's actually really easy to create some OK art. You can even take a screenshot or an image and make it the background for your piece! I've made a few things on there, and I think it'd be cool if jammers could make their own items for the game, like the new Masterblocks feature in AJPW! (Which keeps getting ALL the love, I know.) I wish Masterblocks would come to AJPC. Then the rarity system would be given new life! And what you said about it being "too much trouble" for them to make fun new features... well, AJPW's definitely adding new features practically every week. Plus, they've got bundles (much like AJPC's member bundles, except they don't give you memberships) and Leilani, and a more complicated trading system, and Packs, and a cool buddies list, and cooler items sometimes, and Masterblocks like I mentioned, and more games, and... yeah. A whole lot of other stuff. Plus, they keep adding new animals, like hippos, and more exotic-sounding ones like Himalayan Tahrs, maned wolves, and ila pikas! So AJPC definitely deserves some love. Also, I love the bear emote it's soooo cute lol. C(o.o)D

    1. I love the bear emote, too!! C(o.o)D Coming up with it is one of my greatest accomplishments in life XD lol

      You're comment got me thinking. While AJ Classic is a slow-moving game with infrequent major updates as of recently, AJPW has been moving SUPER SUPER FAST. That's what puts me off about it-- there's just so much going on that you can't keep up. It's bright and flashy like a lot of games.

      For a long while, there was a happy medium with both games. Almost every update on AJ Classic had at least one or two things of interest, and same with AJPW.

      Now it's totally unbalanced and you have a choice between a (currently) very slow moving game with a focus on tradition, and a super fast moving game that just embraces every gaming trend in an instant.

      I wonder about the difference between the AJ Classic community and the AJPW community, because honestly even though AJ Classic updates have been sparse, it's the interactions between players and the overall atmosphere that makes the game great.


Heyyo! I love it when you guys comment. I'm always checking for more, so even if you comment on an older post I'll definitely see it and try to respond. :)

Before you comment, of course, here are some basic things to remember:

-Don't be mean on purpose.
-Keep the comments appropriate for all ages. This is an Animal Jam blog.
-No spam, please! That means no comments just saying "buddy me im animaljam123" or "hi", just add a little more than that.
-Rants/long comments totally encouraged! You don't have to apologize for a long comment, I love reading them xD

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Pretty easy rules. Nothing to stress about. As long as you follow them, you can say whatever you want!

Thanks for reading! C(o.o)D

P.S. That's a bear emoticon up there. ^