Thursday, February 4, 2021

Please Don't Buy Items for Actual Money + Headdress PSA

Hey Jammers! With my goal of steadily increasing the amount of posts per month on Animal Jam Stream, I think I'm gonna focus on shorter content-focused posts with less long rants. 

I'm assuming y'all will be fine with that. Besides, most of the posts on Animal Jam Stream are already like that. I guess these past couple years have just been more rant-heavy as I've become more and more emo about AJ. 

Anyways, let's begin today's topic, shall we?

Today's topic is...

...all about why you shouldn't freaking do this!

I wish it was obvious to everyone, but according to the massive amount of these listings on Google, apparently not. 

Before we get into why exactly you shouldn't buy or sell virtual items for real money, I want you to take a closer look at that last image:

The original listing for that collar was ten thousand dollars.

It's supposed to make the reduction to $500 look reasonable, which it absolutely isn't. That was most definitely intentional on part of the seller. I'm not 100% sure what the 'DO NOT BUY' means, but it might be a kind of disclaimer so that if you buy the item, the seller isn't required to actually give it to you. I could be wrong, but from my research, that's be a possibility.

And hey look, here's another person selling the same item for $5 each:

But before you get excited, that doesn't mean you should rush over and try your luck at getting a spike from a seller who has no actual obligation to actually give you the item. 

I think of this kind of thing as advanced scamming. Not only can the person easily avoid gifting/trading you the item you pay for, but actual money is involved, as well as potential account information and maybe even credit card numbers. 

Not only that– buying or selling AJ items for real money goes directly against the terms of Animal Jam, so it can definitely get you banned. 

Screenshot from Animal Jam's Terms of Service.

But aside from that... I just hope you see how it's a bad idea to pay any amount of money for a pixelated item with no actual worth. I'm not saying items can't have sentimental value, of course– just don't break any laws or rules to get them. 

– – –

I don't exactly remember how I stumbled upon listings for Headdresses, but seeing them honestly made me kinda sad.

A while back, Wildworks had informally announced that they would never bring back Headdresses to stores. This was for a very good reason: having them as in-game items is deeply disrespectful to the Indigenous cultures for whom they hold great importance. It treats those cultures and the violent suppression they've faced like a joke. 

However, it feels like the intention to be respectful was only surface level, because announcing that an item is never to come back to stores without outright deleting it only increases its demand. I think it's safe to say that Headdresses are now one of the most high-demand items because AJHQ wasn't brave enough to actually delete them. Now Headdresses have an even greater presence in the game.

I'm not saying that the players who trade for and collect Headdresses are bad people. Most people aren't taught the history and just want more aesthetically pleasing, high-demand items to create looks with. 

It's still a good idea to do what you can to educate yourself and not perpetuate the demand for Headdresses, but ultimately, the responsibility falls on AJHQ to delete them once and for all if they're actually serious about respecting Indigenous cultures.

– – –

Welp... there goes my goal of writing a short, condensed post for today (:

I hope you enjoyed reading anyway. Let me know your thoughts in the comments if you feel like sharing 'em! As always, all points of view are welcome to be shared as long as everyone is kind to each other. 



  1. Skorm and TypicalRocky were banned for doing this. Their new usernames are Skrmm and TypicallRocky. The point is, even if you're an animal jam YouTuber (or Jambassador), it doesn't mean you can go Scott-Free. It made a large impact on the community (because they realized, just because you're special doesn't mean you can break the rules), and for a while, animal jam didn't accept any masterpieces that were of Skorm or TypicalRocky xD
    The point is, DON'T SELL ITEMS!
    There are too many risks of it. You can get scammed, banned, etc. Here, they can talk about it here:

    After I searched for that video, I realized about how many videos were posted on there for not selling items.
    This is why you can't sell items on animal jam: It's animal jam's items, not yours! (I think you already said that in the blog, whoops)

    I also made a post on my blog! Check it out! (I didn't include the link because links are unsafe!)


    1. That's an important point! Yeah, maybe being a well-known player might at first feel like you can do anything, but I'd imagine becoming a Jambassador probably ends up adding more restrictions on what you can and can't do.

  2. Whoa. I didn't even know people ACTUALLY could sell Animal Jam items for money. It's a great idea (from a scammer's perspective) and I could see how many young and vulnerable children could easily be fooled by this. I mean, who wouldn't take a black long for $5?
    I agree with you, someone who knows what people want and are willing to go OUT OF THEIR WAY to scam real people's real money can definitely be considered an advanced and experienced scammer.
    And honestly, I haven't really thought about headdress the way you have! I can see how this is a problem. With the rarity and demand being so high, it's hard to take something like that out of the game.
    But honestly, is it really?
    Disrespecting different people's ethnicity, culture, race, whatever you consider it, is completely unbelievable. Humans should not be at this point in their existence and STILL even have to have this problem CROSS their minds.
    It's a pixelated game, for goodness sake. Just take the item and move on with it.
    Welp. That's my rant-of-the-day.
    Yay, I'm loving your new goal!! I think it's always important to have some-what of an understanding of when you're going to post, what you're going to post, etc. For me, anyways.

    ~popcorn :)

    1. Thanks for this thoughtful comment! Yeah-- before learning about this, it never crossed my mind either that people would actually go to the extent of selling and buying AJ items. I wish it were obvious to more people how bad of an idea that is >.<

      Maybe if the trading economy was less messed up (meaning, less dependent on exaggerating the value of spiked collars/wristbands and requiring traders to have like 100 spikes to get something they want), trading could be more fun for everyone and feel like less of a grind. If it's gotten to the point where people like the idea of breaking the rules and paying actual cash for an item they want, then obviously trading isn't fun anymore and something needs to change.

      That's probably gonna be my next post topic... can't promise it won't also turn into a rant though x)

      And I agree– no matter how high demand Headdresses are, AJHQ definitely has the ability to introduce new items into the trading pool that can end up replacing them in value. I'm sure if they did a thing where for a limited time, there was a 1/100 chance of getting a certain unique-looking, previously-unreleased clothing item in The Claw, that would get people excited enough to move on from Headdresses.

    2. Oh, for sure!

      I completely agree with you; these high-rarity/demand items honestly don't really make trading all that exciting anymore. I mean, I guess the goal is to eventually trade up to retrieve that item, like almost every other trading system. But it would also just be kind of nice to see what the trading system would be like if maybe everything was the same worth? I know, that sounds literally insane.

      But IF this were the case, then trading wouldn't be mostly about rarity; it'd be more of a desire-based trading system. Say you had a fox hat. And I had a... mat maybe. With today's trade "rules" (or basic understanding of how Jamaa's current trade system works) no one would think twice before hitting decline. What about my take on the trading system? I want a fox hat, and let's just now say you wanted a mat (i.e. the one that I have) Instead of you actually losing rarity, we would both still remain the same.

      But those are my thoughts, anyways :P And I mean I guess the trading system isn't terrible.

  3. Holy heck that's a lot of money for pixels. Who in the right mind would even purchase them-
    I know people traded AJ items off site for virtual currency (like deviantART) but actual listings on Amazon and such? Dang.

    1. I know... I thought off-site trades were as far as it went! Coincidentally, today AJHQ made a Daily Explorer post about why you shouldn't do cross-trading either. I'd imagine it's kinda hard to regulate, but yeah :0

  4. Hey Doomy.
    I went on YT to find some scamming videos so I could report to AJHQ, and I found a person called "error scams aj". They sell items for money and I really hate them.

    vai <3

    1. Yeah, that sounds bad... sadly, I don't know if AJHQ can do much about it considering that person hides their username to prevent being banned. From what I've seen, I think pretty much all other people who sell items do the same.

      If you wanted, what you could also do is report Ebay listings TO Ebay because I'm pretty sure they have a rule against selling virtual items without permission of the creator (which would be WildWorks in this case).

  5. :( They patched the link to log on..

    1. I made 3 posts today LOL-

    2. I mean, I've been playing for 3 and a half years, and I haven't bought anything OR sold anything, and it's not like I have a great pull towards doing that. You can easily NOT do it. There are so much stuff you can do, and so much other stuff you can buy, that aren't pixels. It's just pixels! Why would it cost $100? It has no literal worth lol :3


    3. Very true-- it's also why I kinda have a problem with the AJ Item Worth Wiki, cuz items don't have a set worth! Selling them for $100 is even more unfortunate

  6. Hey, Doomy!

    Long time no see :3

    I made literally SO many posts XD

    And I added a CONTESTS pageeee!!

    Good to see you again <3


    1. Hi Vai!! I'll go check 'em all out :D
      Always good to see a comment from you <3 Hope you're doing well!

    2. Awe, you too <3


  7. Hi DoomyPanda, I totally agree with you. I am writing a blog post about this to hopefully raise awareness between more jammers. I will try to go on eBay and report all of the listings selling: accounts membership and game items. I will let eBay know that people can not be selling those things.
    - princess Brightstar

  8. Here is what I know about this topic: Ajsellings tried to open a shop on etsy and when I tried to report this seller,they were either removed, took themselves off or they were reported by someone who knew the Animal Jam rules. The Animal jam and Animal Jam classic's rules strictly state that everything in the game stays in the game meaning people can only sell stuff in my shop. People have also made identical websites to other websites. Be careful! People can scam you using the phone, email and in roblox adopt me. The upsetting thing is people have been known to trade with you and sell your item that they got from you in animal jam or roblox afterwards. Also look out for overpriced rare toys like shopkins or animal jams. The shopking proved that ultra rare toys are super common by receiving about 6 duplicates of mistyskunk.
    My conclusion is always check you facts.
    - Princess Brightstar

  9. I did this. The item was only 19 bucks, and it was a fair deal. But this can get you banned. I did not know that at the time ( yesterday ) but it is. THIS IS NOT ILLEGAL THOUGH SO I JUST WANT TO SAY THAT. My friends thought I broke the law, but- no. Just the animal jam law. It was a good deal for the item, but I am not doing it again. The person was very nice, and I feel bad that they sell aj items. This can also get you scammed. Always make sure to look at how much positive and negative feedback someone has gotten. ( don’t do this anyway ). And also, don’t feel like a criminal after doing this. You made a mistake, and it’s done. Some very few friends of mine weren’t even worried for me, they just laughed at me and even told me to do it again. I recommend if you have friends that sometimes act like this, do not tell them that you bought an AJ item off the web. They said sorry, and I apologized too. We’re good right now, but there is still one that is mad at me. I recommend NOT doing this. Of course, it’s your money, but unless you want to be banned, DO NOT DO THIS. Skorm and typicalrocky did this and got banned for it, they didn’t scam anyone, and they changed in the following year. Sometimes there’s ppl that don’t realize what they do is wrong. Of course, some do which is sad. Don’t do this though. - lav, December 28, 2022


Heyyo! I love it when you guys comment. I'm always checking for more, so even if you comment on an older post I'll definitely see it and try to respond. :)

Before you comment, of course, here are some basic things to remember:

-Don't be mean on purpose.
-Keep the comments appropriate for all ages. This is an Animal Jam blog.
-No spam, please! That means no comments just saying "buddy me im animaljam123" or "hi", just add a little more than that.
-Rants/long comments totally encouraged! You don't have to apologize for a long comment, I love reading them xD

-*NEW!* Please be safe about the personal information you share here, and on the internet in general. Just like AJ's in-game safety guidelines, don't share your real name, photos of yourself, phone number, address, email, or age. Always turn to a trusted adult if you're unsure about something.

Pretty easy rules. Nothing to stress about. As long as you follow them, you can say whatever you want!

Thanks for reading! C(o.o)D

P.S. That's a bear emoticon up there. ^