Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Snapshot of AJ from 9 Years Ago

Hey Jammers! Today I woke up, saw the date, and realized that nine years ago today, I logged into Animal Jam for the first time!

Yup. I'm an ancient Jammer :') 

To celebrate, here's an old screenshot I dug up out of the abyss:

This was from a couple of months after I joined. At the time, AJHQ was doing something for the first time: they made an animal unavailable. 

From April 12th to August 30th 2012, you could not become a monkey. Instead, on the screen where you would create a new animal, there was big red ENDANGERED banner over the monkey icon. 

This was to raise awareness about how humans abusing the natural world make endangered species vanish every single day. 

Much like the efforts to raise money for real-life conservation/species rescue efforts, there was a big push to donate gems at the Conservation Museum to save the monkeys. Over the course of four months, Jammers donated over 1 Million gems to the Conservation Museum, and thus monkeys returned in August!

Because wildlife conservation is honestly even more urgent today than it was nine years ago, I really wish AJHQ would do something like this again. Maybe the gems donated could get translated into actual money donated by AJHQ to real-life conservation efforts for that animal! 

Moving on, another thing about this screenshot is that the location where I took it looks different now. As you can see now, the Zios passageway to the Adventure Base Camp was originally a simple boarded up doorway. 

And one more thing...

The Glove my panda was wearing used to be ridiculously rare. Seriously– you might not think much of them now, but Gloves were the items that everybody wanted during 2011 and 2012. 

When Jammers would try to break the ice in Mt Shiveer or the bridge in Coral Canyons, there would always be someone yelling "IF IT BREAKS YOU GET A GLOVE" to encourage people. Of course, outside of urban legend, that never actually happened... or did it? X)

There were a few unique gloves given as monthly member's gifts (yes– that was a thing in 2012!) that were particularly high-demand: the Lava Glove, the Mummy Glove, the Dragon Glove, and the Legendary Glove. 

Nowadays, you can easily buy them or trade for them, but I remember my friend and I used to literally pray to the Mira statue to somehow give us a Lava Glove xD

But don't get me wrong, the situation with Gloves was nowhere near what we have with Spikes today. Gloves were super rare, yeah, but the trading system was less messed up so it was much easier to get the items you wanted. You didn't need to spend months amassing 25+ "lesser" Gloves to work your way up.

For now, that's all I'll say about that. The topic of our messed up Spike economy will be a post for another day...

I hope you enjoyed this mini history lesson! Before the end of the month, I'll try to stick to my goal and make at least three more posts :)

See you in Jamaa!


  1. Hey Doomy!

    Ancient jammer, indeed X) Wow, 9 years. That's incredible!

    Oh wow, that's a SUPER awesome movement AJ did! I'm so glad jammers also decided to take it seriously and help! That was a really nice idea from AJ :') I agree with you, though the environment dangers were bad in the past, I would honestly consider it much worse now. And I remember when giraffes were gone for a certain period of time, but I don't really remember AJ doing anything about that... unless it was just a game malfunction or something.

    Oh, wow gloves were rare?! I honestly can't STAND gloves (I have no reason to back up my claim, though) and to think they were once that "demanded item". Bepper might've done a video about that; I think it was the one with Fman?? Wait, no that was the orange beard. Ah, whatever.


    P.S. It was really nice talking to you today! As one of the few remaining active buddies I have on AJ, I would always love to just sit down and CHAT ^.^

    1. Yeah, gloves are admittedly a pretty strange item xD I personally like them for their simplicity and uniqueness. Think about it... not four, not two, but one random metal glove on a wolf's paw. Definitely doesn't make much sense, but it's definitely not uncreative haha

      And I'd love to have more AJ meetups! I'm in the same boat-- virtually 90% of my buddy list is inactive. Thanks for chatting with me today, it made my day a lot better :D

  2. If you were a member back then, wouldn't you have received those gloves as the monthly gift? I'm not sure but those gloves were certainly gifts somewhere along the lines of 2010-2012, I'm sure.
    Some non-members also got those gloves from AJHQ as a gift, telling them "hey look what you could have gotten if you became member!" haha, since NMs couldn't receive gifts.

    1. I think Lava/Dragon/Mummy/Legendary Gloves were a monthly gift in mid-2011! I wasn't playing AJ yet at the time :D

      And wow, AJHQ was kind of a jerk there... I also remember the period of time where nonmembers could send gifts but couldn't receive them.

    2. Ah, that's probably why I remembered then. I started becoming more active from 2011 and onwards-
      2010 was hazy to me, I just remember Wood Floor going on clearance and I was trying my hardest to gain 300 Gems to buy it pfft (I don't think it was 500 Gems, but I might be wrong).

      I wouldn't say it's a jerk move, personally, haha, I think it's a pretty neat tactic if I say so myself-
      Yeah, I missed those times when non members could send gifts. I preferred sending random members gifts rather than recycling items.

  3. Oh no!!!! I completely forgot about February 17th!!! Yesterday I woke up, and thought, "Man, there's something special about today, but I can't seem to remember what it is." I thought it was just some random 2-month birthday for someone I know XD

    That endangered movement way back when sounds awesome. I really wish that we'd have more environment-related stuff in Animal Jam (that's their market, and also how I convinced my parents to let me play) instead of having some dumb advertisement every time about "GET YOUR NEW MEMBER BUNDLE IN THE DIAMOND SHOP NOW".

    Happy nine-year anniversary of playing Animal Jam!!!


    1. I can't believe you remembered, haha! Even I've forgotten a bunch of times xD
      Thank you, Wildflower!!

      Yeah, I agree... I don't know what's going on with AJ right now and why updates have been sparse and overly item-focused, but I do hope it gets better at some point. Maybe items get people talking a lot, but a game entirely focused around new items is boring. The environmental aspect gives AJ more spirit c:

  4. Hi, Doomy!
    I don't get much comments from you from my blog so I'm not sure if you've seen it before :")
    I post... DAILY LOL

    Woah, you're such an old jammer (is that rude lol)! I've played for like 2 and a half years or 3 years xD

    That's really good! Ajhq needs to work on doing more fun things like that. Just about every animal in animal jam's game is endangered, so it gives AJHQ many chances of doing that. There are some animals that aren't endangered (bunnies, whoops that's the only thing I can think about for now) but the majority are. And, basically, all animals are threatnened because of habitat loss and global warming so they might die one day. Uh, why am I going so off topic-

    Also, click this link to visit my blog that's new:


    1. Aaa sorry! Thanks for adding a follower widget-- I just started following Animal Jam Oceanz so now the posts get added to my Blogger dashboard now ^-^

      And YEP IT'S TRUE I'm elderly lol. I've played AJ for so long because it just feels like home to me in a way. It's nice to have something lighthearted to go back to all this time :D

      Dang, that is true... every animal on AJ is in danger in real life. It's an important point. Maybe you could comment that on a Daily Explorer post so AJHQ can see it! Maybe it would help give them ideas

  5. Wow! That screenshot of Temple of Zios reminds me of my first days of AJ in 2012 where a friend taught me the skyways glitch. Good old days :') I remember gloves being so rare and wanted, I had a blue one and a red one at the time. Animal Jam doesn't seem to care so much about animals anymore which is such a shame :(
    Happy Animal Jam anniversary Doomy!

    1. Thanks so much, MegX3!! I know, it makes me sad... though, maybe another possibility is that they're also just basing updates around items because that's what's easier for them right now. It's been a problem for a while, but maybe the difficulty of the pandemic is also playing a role.

      I'm gonna try to be optimistic-- though, I am planning a post on this topic that you might see by the end of this month.

  6. Say, do you like Doom?

    1. You mean the game? I haven't played it yet :p
      But I see where that question came from X)

  7. It's so surreal to think that this game is going to be eleven years old this September... man, does time fly. I remember being on my cousin's computer when I heard about the monkeys. Not my most favorite animal in the game, but it felt like I was losing a piece of my 11-year old heart when the news broke. Ah, the memories... glad to know they weren't completed abandoned!

  8. And this is mah birthday 😎

    February 17- special day for us both! 9 years, wow! That’s impressive! I started playing at 7, in 2016 (if I did the math right 🙃)


Heyyo! I love it when you guys comment. I'm always checking for more, so even if you comment on an older post I'll definitely see it and try to respond. :)

Before you comment, of course, here are some basic things to remember:

-Don't be mean on purpose.
-Keep the comments appropriate for all ages. This is an Animal Jam blog.
-No spam, please! That means no comments just saying "buddy me im animaljam123" or "hi", just add a little more than that.
-Rants/long comments totally encouraged! You don't have to apologize for a long comment, I love reading them xD

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Pretty easy rules. Nothing to stress about. As long as you follow them, you can say whatever you want!

Thanks for reading! C(o.o)D

P.S. That's a bear emoticon up there. ^