Saturday, February 2, 2019

AJHQ Needs to Cite Their Sources

Hey Jammers! Sorry I briefly broke my promise of 2-3 posts a week– it's been a difficult week for me.

But here I am! With content for you! :D

If you saw my last post, you will have seen that I edited the text of the online safety quiz to change the answers. It was just a small addition to an otherwise normal post... but in all of the time I've been blogging, this was the first time I've been able to use the Animal Jam text font, DigitalDelivery.

You see, early in the history of AJ Stream, I managed to track down the names of the two main fonts used by AJHQ: TikiIsland for titles, DigitalDelivery for body text. 

I figured out how to download and use TikiIsland, as you can see in my blog's header, but every single font site I went to said that DigitalDelivery cost over 100 dollars to download.

So how did I do the edit? Did I finally cave and spend 100 dollars on a font?

Nope! No way would I pay that much. Instead, I discovered a free download link on the Animal Jam Archives, courtesy of Snowyclaw. It's been there a while, but for some reason I've only found it now. So from this point on, you'll see more edits from me involving DigitalDelivery! Not every day, of course-- those kinds of things take a while ^^;

Speaking of the Animal Jam Archives, I've been thinking: since there are only a handful of AJ blogs with regular updates at this point, it would probably make sense to put them on a sidebar on this blog to make them more accessible, right? I'd still keep the blogroll tab of course-- this would just make things easier.

Ok, actual AJ update time! I looked through every store I could to see what kinds of things are on clearance. I could only go on land, cuz I have no ocean animal at the moment, so you should still check beneath the waves if you're interested.

Jam-Mart Furniture:

Diamond Shop (den):

Aaaaand, that's it for all the land clearance items! I guess there aren't that many right after a new seasonal update.

I also checked the pets/animals part of the Diamond Shop, but it doesn't look like any of those are on clearance either.

Moving on, I got a fan letter from my biggest supporter, AJHQ:

Aww, thanks AJHQ!! I don't know where I'd be without my fanz <33

So I don't really ever talk about AJ boxes because I'm more interested in the game itself than the merchandise, but it looks like a different kind of AJ box, so I clicked on the 'Learn More' and it took me to a page with general info about it, nothing new, but then I scrolled down to find...


If you can't read it, the fact says "Did you know that the fat-tailed dwarf lemur can increase its body weight by 75g (about 40%) at a time?" 

How do they do that, I wonder? Do they eat 40% of their body weight at one time? Do they pull weight out of thin air?

It has a (Learn More) link right after it, so I clicked it, hoping it maybe went to a web page of one of AJ's educational partners so I could learn more...

...and it just went to the main page of The Daily Explorer. -_-


Because AJHQ has betrayed us, I shall take the liberty of elaborating on the vague fun fact above:

According to the Duke Lemur Center, the fat-tailed dwarf lemur gets their name because of their ability to store fat in their tail to last them through hibernation.

They live in Madagascar, and are the only primate known to hibernate. In fact, they can hibernate for up to seven months! Why? Well, you might know that some bears hibernate to avoid the cold conditions of winter, but winter is very mild in tropical Madagascar. It's theorized that fat-tailed dwarf lemurs are avoiding the drought that often comes with those kinds of winters.

Now, back to the fun fact at hand. Before hibernation, a fat-tailed dwarf lemur needs to eat a lot of their favorite fruits and flowers. This lemur strategically begins their hibernation in the wet season when their favorite foods are the most abundant. 

When they eat before hibernation, they eat 40% of their body weight, which would be like you eating 48 pounds of food at once. The lemur stores the energy from that food in the form of fat in their tail!

A common misconception is that hibernation is like sleeping, when in fact they are very different states. During hibernation, a fat-tailed dwarf lemur's breath, heartbeat, and digestion of food slow down– they may only take one breath every 15 minutes! For non-hibernating animals like humans, this is nearly impossible.

What would it be like to hibernate for months at a time? :0

I'm kind of annoyed at AJHQ for not focusing on the natural world enough, especially when the educational part of AJ was part of what inspired me to start caring about the Earth in the first place.

Before I go, me and julieblap did an impromptu "screenskit" in honor of Online Safety Day:

Ah, safer internet day. Surely one of the most exciting holidays of the year.

See you in Jamaa!


  1. Very good post Doomy. That aj box actually looks like it would be fun, since its kinda like a colouring box. I wonder what all the boxes of 2018 contained. I feel like I didn't really see what was in them for the most part. Cool facts about the lemur! Funny but serious comic also :)

    1. Thanks Violet! I'm also kinda interested in this drawing box, but mostly because I wonder what kind of promo item code would be inside. I love art-themed nonmember items, so I'm always on the lookout for them

    2. Violet: Glad you liked the comic! I starred as Juno

      Doomy: I also want to see what the item is! I can;t wait!

    3. Maybe the new AJ box item is a giant can of paintbrushes

  2. The rare box had a cougar plushie, a spiked wristband, a small rare charm, a ton of rare stickers, a game code for a giant rare plauque, and a beanie, (my favorite hat now cuz the other beanie I had was thrown out)
    I got the animal jam box for Christmas, I can't wait for the drawing box

    1. I heard about the game code for the giant rare plaque! I don't know how I'd use it in a den myself (but it would be fun to use to group items being sold in a den store!) but I guess it's a nice looking nonmember item :0

  3. Hi! I really want the art box. I am saving for an American Girl thing though......... ( Please, please, please don't make fun of me because I am homeschooled at middle school level and play with dolls) I wonder what promo would be with it. In case you did not see my last comment, my mom and dad finally said I am old enough to make an AJ blog! What thing would you recommend for making it, DooomyPanda? Bye! :) ;) :D


    1. Hey Book! I'm most familiar with Blogger, so in case you'd want layout advice from me I could help you the most if you had a Blogger blog. However, I have heard that Wordpress is generally a lot better and more popular, so keep that in mind maybe

    2. I've used both, but I've only used Blogger on my old Blackberry, so I can tell you about features, but not how well they work on computer. Wordpress has a lot of updates over time, rendering older themes inaccessible, sometimes changing the format (once the update threw me off so bad) and also sometimes files get lost (I have a habit of saving one file over the other, the other day I uploaded a piece to my Wordpress and saved a new image under the same name, overwriting it, and uploading it on the blog, and it broke the first image. Doesn't happen too often, but it does). Overall I am very content with Wordpress though, it's rather user-friendly and pretty straight forward.
      Blogger, I found it more confusing to start with, but the post editor is easy to use, due to a very similar format to most word documents.

      The last time I tried opening my Wordpress on my BB, it was incompatible, but since then the site has updated twice. Note that Wordpress' comment section requires one to have an account or to enter their email, so commenters might not be a big thing for one's smaller blog.


Heyyo! I love it when you guys comment. I'm always checking for more, so even if you comment on an older post I'll definitely see it and try to respond. :)

Before you comment, of course, here are some basic things to remember:

-Don't be mean on purpose.
-Keep the comments appropriate for all ages. This is an Animal Jam blog.
-No spam, please! That means no comments just saying "buddy me im animaljam123" or "hi", just add a little more than that.
-Rants/long comments totally encouraged! You don't have to apologize for a long comment, I love reading them xD

-*NEW!* Please be safe about the personal information you share here, and on the internet in general. Just like AJ's in-game safety guidelines, don't share your real name, photos of yourself, phone number, address, email, or age. Always turn to a trusted adult if you're unsure about something.

Pretty easy rules. Nothing to stress about. As long as you follow them, you can say whatever you want!

Thanks for reading! C(o.o)D

P.S. That's a bear emoticon up there. ^