Saturday, November 14, 2020

Animal Jam's Data Breach – What You Need to Know

 Click here to check out my Autumn den decoration contest for a chance to win a Rare Blue Spiked Wristband! :D

The contest closes soon, and only a few people have entered, so you have a great chance of winning.

Are you wondering why you might not be able to log into your Animal Jam account right now?

Read on to figure out how to log back in...


You might not be aware of this, because it's pretty recent news and AJHQ hasn't made it very public, but there was a data breach at WildWorks sometime in October and a few days ago, a whole lot of AJ account information was discovered to have been compromised.

Meaning, some hackers broke into one of WildWorks' databases and stole some user information, which they made public on an illegal hacking forum. 

Here's a segment from the notice AJHQ emailed out:

(Click here to read the full notice on the official Animal Jam website)

I know this is scary, but you don't have to panic. While there are some things you need to do to secure your account, which I will explain, it's not as bad as it could be. 

From what AJHQ shared in this notice, these are the parts of your Animal Jam account which may have been publicly shared on some illegal hacking forums.

– The email address for your parent account (but NOT the password for your parent account)

– Your username, connected to that parent account

– Your password, connected to your username (but encrypted-- meaning, hidden behind a code. This means it's harder for a hacker to figure out your password, but not impossible.)

– Your birthday (day, month, year)

– The full name associated with your parent account (your parent's name, for a lot of you)

– The billing address associated with your parent account (but NOT any credit card number or anything similar) 

While your Animal Jam username and password might have been made public, thankfully your parent account password was not, according to AJHQ. 

As a response to this, the reason why you might not be able to log in right now is because AJHQ changed your password for safety

If your information was part of the data breach, your username and (encrypted) password might have been floating around hacking forums for about a month now. While AJHQ only found out about this data breach a few days ago, the information was stolen sometime in October.

If your account was hacked sometime in the past month and you don't know why, this would explain it.

So, if you're like me and your password was changed by AJHQ, how do you get back into your account?

First, go to the Animal Jam homepage and click the Parents tab.

Next, click the Manage Online button.

Enter your parent email and the password of your parent account. Some of you might need to ask your parent if they remember this information. 

Because you might not use your parent dashboard much, probably a lot of you have forgotten the password for it. If this is the case, no worries– just click the "Forgot your password?" button right there and follow the instructions.

Once you finally end up in your dashboard, under the gear icon, click the Player Password: Update button

I really, really, REALLY recommend that you make a brand new password that is a lot more secure than your old one. 

This means your new password should:

– Be at least 8 characters long

– Be a random combination of capital letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols

– Ideally, not use any real words, or at least be a mostly random password.

I know, it's hard to remember a password that's mostly random, but it's the best way to keep your account safe.

If you know that no one else who plays AJ will be seeing it, you could probably get away with putting your new password on a sticky note on your computer. You could also hide it in a notebook.

Other than changing your password, there are a couple of other precautions you will want to take.

–  Make sure you don't use your Animal Jam password as a password for anything else, especially not the email account linked with your account. 

– In any case, change the password of your parent email account just to be safe.

NEVER EVER EVER enter your password into anything other than the official Animal Jam website (or app). All sites/people that promise free membership/diamonds/items and ask for your login info are lying, and you can be 100% sure they just want to steal your items. 

If you believe that your AJ account was accessed illegally, you can contact or send them a help request on the official website and they can help secure it.

And if you have any questions or if you're struggling with anything, feel free to leave a comment here! I'll get back to you as soon as I can.


So far, AJHQ has only made this data breach public on their official Instagram account and through emails sent to parent accounts. I can kind of understand that it would make people panic, so they wouldn't want to talk too much about it, but still– tons of players have had their passwords changed and don't know why. There are probably a lot of people freaking out right now.

So if you can, it would be great if you could spread the word about this so people know how to get back into their accounts!

That's all for now. Remember to enter in the Autumn den contest, and I'll be back soon with Part 2 of Spookytooth's Barn of Horrors! :)

See you in Jamaa~

*If you are tomboywolf and don't want your art in this post, let me know and I'll take it down! You're a great artist and I just thought it was fitting xD


  1. AJHQ did this to my spare account XD
    I will probably have to reset it's password... Well, nothing happened to my main, since I changed it's password last month ^.^ See ya, Doomy! Always happy to read your posts <3
    vaiana70 <3

  2. Yay first comment idrc idk him saying that lol. Anyway umm I posted a comment and it didn't show up also it wasn't inappropriate it followed all the comment rules.
    PS so sorry for the bad grammar I'm in a rush!

    1. Ah I'm sorry! If it was recently, it may have been a glitch with Blogger because I don't remember deleting any comments with your username in them. Just in case I can remember, what was in your comment?

    2. Sorry just this now, I think it was about ajsass and rainbow pegagus's blog. Sorry to ask but could you postpone the contest deadline till later since I'm not done my den yet and because of the data breach I won't be able to log on till next week around or so.


    3. Wow, I guess it was a glitch then because I don't remember seeing it at all. Sorry that happened, Blogger can be weird sometimes D:

      And thank you for letting me know! I think I will move back the deadline because just a handful of people have entered so far and I wanna give everyone a chance. I'll mention it in my next post!

  3. I actually haven't been on AJ or in the blogger community much this school year as you can probably tell. But I got an email today, which kinda freaked me out a bit. Turns out it was just my spare, but I am actually a little freaked out now... and I need to remember to change the password to that account.

    1. I know, I got freaked out when I saw the email too :(
      I'm glad this breach didn't involve stuff like credit card info, but it's still pretty nerve-racking.

      And it's good to hear from you, Violet! I hope this year goes as good as possible for you (>^_^)>

    2. Thanks, good to hear from you too! Enjoy the rest of your year as well:)

    3. Hey, so it actually turns out all my accounts were affected! So I changed the passwords to be on the safe side. Did you check the link about the pwn thing to see if your email was there, if so was it?

    4. Yeah, and my email was indeed affected ^^;
      I changed its password though, so hopefully that makes it better?

      I'm meaning to change my password soon, and until then my account is locked

  4. Hey, Doomy! I have a question. Today I found a purple-pinkish flower that only grows in the forest. Its not a lavender or a violet or a bluebell. What flower do you think it is? I honestly dont know XD
    vaiana70 <3

    1. Whoa that sounds cool!! I know a bit about wild plants, so I'll try to help ya :D

      1. What kind of petals did it have? Does it remind you of any other kind of flower?
      2. What season is it where you are?

      If it's autumn where you are and the flower looks kind of like a daisy with really thin petals, it could be a New England aster or some other kind of aster! You could look it up on Google Images to see if its similar to the flower you found :D

    2. I don't think it's an aster, and thanks for helping! It has like "velvety" petals that are purpleish and pinkish (like I told you) and it's stem is like a beige :3 It's November (Autumn) where I am, and it reminds me of the Spring Beauty flower and the daisy.
      Thanks for helping!!! :D
      vaiana70 <3

      P.S: I stuck it in my nature journal XD

    3. Hmm... your description sounds a lot like wild geranium! Those bloom in spring, but apparently sometimes they last to autumn? It might also be fireweed

      If that doesn't look like it, how many petals does the flower have? What does the center of the flower look like-- does it have those longer stalks coming out of it, is the center tiny, or does the center look like the center of a daisy?

      And I love nature journals :')
      Even in the city where I live, I've been finding some interesting plants, so I wanna start drawing and writing them down soon! Plant identification is hard but really fun X)

    4. I've been searching: pink-purple flowers, spring beauty etc.
      NOTHING!!!!! It's definitely not a spring beauty or a daisy, since it isn't white or yellow and it doesnt have a star-shape. One sec, gonna get my N.J. (nature journal) to count the petals XD

      ...Okay! I stuck many flowers in there, and they all have 6 petals exactly! The middle of the flower is white, with medium stalks coming out of them. They are all 5cm. (I don't think they can become bigger).
      The center is a half centimetre, so it's very teeny tiny.

      I love N.J.s too!
      Totally agreed, plant identification is really fun but very tiring. Yesterday I stayed up almost all night trying to find out what flower it is!!
      Thanks Doomy! You're the best!
      vaiana70 <3

      P.S: What time zone are you in? I really wanna play with you XD
      P.P.S: You can call me vai :)

    5. I'm in the EST time zone! I'm busy a lot, but if we planned something in advance I'm sure we could coordinate being on AJ at the same time :D

      Ok Vai, so 6 petals is good to know, because most of the wildflowers I've been finding seem to have 4 or 5 petals, so 6 petals might be uncommon.

      Unfortunately I haven't been able to find anything else yet >.<
      Plant ID really IS hard xD

      If you haven't tried already, you can search with your exact state with this wildflower database:
      There are some other databases that I've found, but I think the one above is the easiest to use
      (You don't have to fill out all the sections if you don't know them btw!)

      You might also be able to find a plant identification forum (or local plant-ID Facebook group, if you or your parents or someone you know uses Facebook) for your specific region, where you could post a photo of the flower and someone with knowledge of local plants could identify it more easily.

      I wish you the best luck in identifying that flower!! Though in case I can help find any more info, here's a few questions:

      You said the flowers don't have a star-shape, so how would you describe their shape?
      What shape are each of the petals-- are they rounder or skinnier? Do they have a little jagged edge?
      Also, do the petals overlap on top of each other, or are they very separated?

    6. Hi, Doomy! Thanks!
      Yay! I'm in the EEST, so yeah, we could plan something! When I was little I thought everyone was in the same time XD
      Their shape is like a daisy, but with a small center and 6 petals. So, I would say "bowl-shaped" XD
      The petals are like ovals - kinda like a potato, and the petals are separated.
      Also, I just went on the site you showed me and serched the name "Spring Beauty" and I think I found what flower it is!!! It looks excactly like it.
      It's called: "Claytonia lanceolata". You can go to the link and search it's name, and it will be kinda like you see it XD

      Thanks for your help!!! You are really a good friend :)
      vaiana70 <3

    7. Yay!! Saturdays and Sundays tend to be good AJ days for me, let me know what times are best for you :D

      Back to the mystery flower: maybe your flower is a relative of Claytonia lanceolata! Only, it has 6 petals instead of 5, is pink-purple instead of white, and it blooms in autumn instead of spring. Hmm....

      From what I've learned, Claytonia flowers can also have 6 or more petals, even if it isn't that common. However, it's odd because not many wildflowers bloom in autumn in America, and all the autumn-blooming wildflowers I've learned about don't look at all like what you described. The mystery thickens..

      I really hope you figure out what kind of flower this is! All the plant databases I've been searching aren't showing any similar flowers, unfortunately ^^;
      But maybe it's some kind of spring beauty relative!

      And thank you!! Searching for this flower has been tough, but it's been really fun :D
      Aww... you are also a really good friend, and your positive comments always make my day! Hugs to you, too! <3

    8. So, if its 15:00 in EEST, its 08:00 in EST... And if its 14:00 its 07:00... Kinda hard to find a time if I am eating dinner and you are waking up XD Maybe you can find a time?
      I usually wake up at 09:00 and play at 11:00 but thats way to early, so maybe I can ask my mom to let me play at 15:00?


    9. No worries, I could definitely wake up a little earlier to make up for the timezone difference if I set my mind to it ^^

      ALSO, I just found photos of a flower that might be what you're looking for!! It's called Colchicum Autumnale (also known as autumn crocus!) and it has 6 petals, looks a lot like a spring beauty, is pinkish and purplish, has stalks in the center, and it blooms in autumn! The only reason why it might not be that flower is that it looks a bit bigger than just 5cm, so maybe we still need to keep searching :P

  5. For some reason my parent accounts were locked as well, and the passwords for them had been changed, so I think it was also changed? I'm missing a lot of my accounts right now due to this as I had a lot of unresolved issues with one of my parent accounts.
    That said, it's a third party server rather than Wildworks itself, I think?

    1. Oh my, that sounds awful :(
      You know, it's possible that this hack might have gone further than AJHQ is letting on (or maybe AJHQ isn't completely aware yet, idk) because I know at least one person whos account was unexplainably hacked in a weird way about a week before the time window AJHQ said the data breach occurred.

      And yeah, I think it's a third party service/server that Wildworks uses to store data, so it's probably something they couldn't control

  6. Hey, Doomy! I have a problem. There's a scammer and he did the "fake youtuber" scam, where he says he's doing a mailtime so I should gift him.
    Heres his user: skyvision45
    He is a scammer, cause I tried with my spare (it wasnt a rare tho, it was the necklase). Please report and block him if you can!
    vaiana70 <3

    1. @vaiana70 There is also this very helpful blog called The AJSASS (Animal Jam Special Agents Stopping Scammers) and their whole blog revolves around scammers and how to stop scamming! They also have a "Report Scammers" tab where you can report the scammer! Hope this is helpful lol


    2. Wow, what a lazy way to trick people into giving items :\
      I can't imagine he got too far, as I'm sure no one recognized him, but I'm glad you didn't send him anything rare!

  7. DOOMY. Thank the gods I thought to check your blog. I have literally been trying to get into my account for half an hour. XD Thank you for this, it literally saved me.


    1. I'm so glad it could help!! It's so annoying how AJHQ hasn't clearly announced how they changed peoples' passwords-- so many people like you are probably still struggling to get into their accounts right now :(

  8. Hi, Doomy! Can you please write about my blog? I really want people to see it!
    Here's the link:
    Thanks Doomy!
    vai :D

    1. YAY!!! I'm so excited to see what you'll post :D
      Of course I'll share it!!! I'll add it to the blogroll, and I'll write a bit about it in my next post. I'll definitely do everything I can to get people to see it, cuz I know how tough it is to get viewers!

    2. Thanks!!! You're the best!!!

      vai <3

  9. Doomy! Today is the contest reveal (I think)!! :D I'm so excited! Good luck to everyone :)

    vaiana70 <3

    1. Hi Vai!! I'll be mentioning it in my next post (which will definitely happen today if my headache goes away) but I've decided to extend the contest deadline because someone told me they really wanted to enter but they can't get online for around a week. I hope this is ok!

    2. Thats completely ok! And, good luck to everyone! You know, I just get REALLY nervous sometimes XD

      See ya!
      vai <3


Heyyo! I love it when you guys comment. I'm always checking for more, so even if you comment on an older post I'll definitely see it and try to respond. :)

Before you comment, of course, here are some basic things to remember:

-Don't be mean on purpose.
-Keep the comments appropriate for all ages. This is an Animal Jam blog.
-No spam, please! That means no comments just saying "buddy me im animaljam123" or "hi", just add a little more than that.
-Rants/long comments totally encouraged! You don't have to apologize for a long comment, I love reading them xD

-*NEW!* Please be safe about the personal information you share here, and on the internet in general. Just like AJ's in-game safety guidelines, don't share your real name, photos of yourself, phone number, address, email, or age. Always turn to a trusted adult if you're unsure about something.

Pretty easy rules. Nothing to stress about. As long as you follow them, you can say whatever you want!

Thanks for reading! C(o.o)D

P.S. That's a bear emoticon up there. ^