Friday, May 1, 2020

Bad and (Possibly) Good Changes

Get ready for a long, embarrassingly complainy rant (:


Oh boy it's Thursday, let's see what's up in Jama–



I'm gettin' a bad feel about this marketing decision, Wildworks. 

Even worse that now the AJ homepage just centers around Play Wil– oh, I mean Animal Jam

And there's not even a clear notice of the change. Do you know how many 11 years olds will question the integrity of reality because of this? I KNOW I HAVE. Come on, just put a text box at the top!!! Communicate!!!

I didn't want to say this but come on, it's quarantine, everyone is losing their minds, and they're turning to virtual worlds to feel normal and when you make a big confusing change WITH ONE DAY OF NOTICE and don't even put a text box at the front telling us what's up? Why do we have to go to the Daily Explorer to understand what happened?

I have a literature final to do today and I was planning on just focusing on that but as soon as I heard about this bizarre change I knew I just had to jump on here and rant about it until the shock subsides and I can breathe again. Maybe it's pathetic but I'm kind of shaking right now xD

AJHQ, I feel like you'll regret this. There is pretty much 0 benefit to you confusing everyone. 

As far as I know, pre-existing games don't change names unless they're remade. 

Animal Jam and Animal Jam: Play Wild! are a perfectly logical series... just because AJPW might be a little more popular doesn't mean you have to completely rebrand IN ONE SINGLE DAY!!! Tell me, WHAT game has done that before???


What also sucks is that they have a shady player login button on the normal Animal Jam page that goes nowhere if you input you login info:

Kinda makes me feel like I just gave away my info to someone :\

I downloaded it, and..

At least it seems full as normal. Not too many people are freaking out, thankfully.

Though I hope AJHQ makes it so the display of the app is less... uncomfortable:

I really feel like the full blue border background is important to make the user experience less overwhelming, but I can't get that with this app. Stuff is blocked out and I can't see the full border, which is something important to consider. 

Lots of people won't be used to the border being messy, and considering how quickly and without notice this transition happened, it is important for AJHQ to fix the display ASAP.

I try to shrink the window to make it feel more normal and it just doesn't work out:

AJHQ, if you're reading this very complainy post from a very complainy Jammer, please fix the display so the whole blue border (and the wood border within) are visible. It's visually uncomfortable the way it is.

I guess I'll also add in that the home screen could use a re-vamp to make it look more like Jamaa, but that's a given and AJHQ is probably working on it:

Calming down and moving on, let's talk about what this transition could mean about AJ in the future:

I am hoping with all my heart that this doesn't mean AJHQ is trying to push aside normal AJ as its flagship game and give less attention to it than Play Wild. (Yes, I am still going to be using "Play Wild" and "Animal Jam" in the way that they are. You'll see that everyone probably will.)

Updates better not get reduced even more than they already are on normal AJ. 

Many of us have waited a bunch of years for Wildworks to establish and therefore resume the more interesting AJ updates we've lacked since late 2017. As I've said before, the character of AJ has been a little diluted since work on normal AJ updates has been outsourced to other studios (which happened due to work on

While the new homepage layout makes no sense and will need to be revamped so AJPW and normal AJ are equally accessible, I'm feeling kind of hopeful about what the new art of the home page might mean for the future.

To help you get what I mean, let's compare the art of the previous home page with what we have now:

Above is how it looked before the switch. Pretty basic, not the most distinct color scheme, heavily focused on items and promos. 

And now...

 If you've played AJ even half as long as I have, you'll recognize that the original warm, earthy, jungle-y color scheme has finally returned! The leafy border is very telling.

Last time it looked even remotely this earthy was a while ago, when the homepage looked like this:

But the olive tones almost look even more like an older, far prettier home page:

(Side note: Why'd they even change this in the first place??? Why did the homepage get less cool looking over the years??? What the heck. Also I used the Wayback Machine for this image so the other animals didn't load. The frog is here, tho :D)

Maybe you don't care about the homepage, but I am really passionate about the  original visual style of AJ, back when nature was emphasized more. It's not just nostalgia. When I look at the older homepage right above, I just feel so safe and happy and at home and excited about life. 

There's so much depth, I feel like I'm right there in Jamaa and not just looking at characters on a screen. It's just so beautiful!! X)

It's sad they changed the style to flat and 2D. You can always change it back, AJHQ!!! 

Which is why I am a little bit more hopeful about what the visual re-vamp of the home page could mean: more focus on nature and the environment. Or maybe I'm reading too much into it and AJHQ is too overworked to think about the homepage. 

(YOU KNOW WHAT I SHOULD DO??? I should make a giant color palette of all the classic AJ colors!!!! YES.)

Now this has become a ramble-y post. To finish it off, I painted the clay panda I showed you all in my last post:

I used the default AJ panda colors, with some highlights and shadows :)

The only paint I had was earth-based facepaint, so I just need to keep this little friend away from water or I'll have to repaint them <3

Now I have a friend to sit near me while I post :')

Thank you for reading this ramble-y post! I hope your days are as sweet as they can possibly be in times like this. 

What do you think about these sudden changes on AJ? Do you agree or disagree with my all-over-the-place thoughts? Any way you think, I wanna hear your thoughts!

See you in Jamaa~



  1. What?? Thats kinda dumb to change AJ! Plus we have to download it now?? What the heck. What if you were someone who didn't want to download it like me and just preferred to play online? Seriously, AJ classic and AJ. AJHQ needs to think of something cause that change was DUMB.

    1. Because browser AJ runs on Adobe Flash Player and Adobe Flash Player is going to become unusable later this year, the change to downloadable was necessary– but Wildworks did it way too fast with too short notice.

    2. Oh yeah I was wondering if that was why.

  2. Btw!! Your panda looks awesome painted :D

  3. Wait can we download playwild for the computer now?

  4. Oh yes oh yes oh yes I feel the same way! I absolutely hate this change. I ABSOLUTELY HATE THIS CHANGE!!! When I get mad (or passionate) I tend to repeat things to emphasize them. Also I don't deal with change well :/

    Since 2020 began, I started to realize that AJHQ was obviously spending more effort on Play Wild. They made that pretty obvious through their daily explorer posts.

    Also, the fact that they renamed PLAY WILD to ANIMAL JAM is driving me completely nuts. There's going to be so much confusion; I just know it. I've already been the person who's been like, "Wait which Animal Jam?"

    And on top of that I use a chromebook and I... can't... get... a... Mac or a PC... So my Animal Jam (Classic) life will end when flash shuts down and this change already makes it feel like AJHQ is just sitting there waiting for Flash to shut down so I'll be only on Play Wild. And I don't have very good mental health since quarantine started and this change caused me to spend quite a lot of time just editing a bunch of pictures about what I want to happen to the world (Most of them are very dark.)

    That was a really really really really REALLY long comment. Oops. One last sentence that will probably turn into a paragraph: DOOMY HOW DO YOU PAINT SO WELL


    1. Oh my goodness I totally agree. I wonder which person at AJHQ thought it would even remotely be a good idea to change the name... games just don't change names while they still exist. AND NOW WE HAVE TWO GAMES WITH BASICALLY THE SAME NAME. Ugh.

      All these sudden changes make it feel like the world is ending, I totally get that D:
      especially when all you have access to is a Chromebook... I put a comment on the latest Daily Explorer post asking if they're working on making AJ Classic downloadable for Chromebook.

      I just downloaded AJPW to see the difference... and oh my gosh, AJHQ put so much effort into making the user experience of AJPW flow better. Everything is formatted properly. I'm hoping that AJHQ will fix up the AJ Classic display all the same. (Commented about that, too)
      The inner workings of my computer also made a disturbing crackling noise when I opened up AJPW xD it's a sign...

      I really get the mental health struggles. I have things I've already been struggling with for months now, and every day in isolation just seems to make it worse :( I'm always here if you need someone to talk to-- feel free to comment anytime, as long a comment as you want! And you can ask me not to publish the comment if you'd like.

      And thank you about the panda!! I'm honestly surprised it turned out this well, too xD

    2. I wish AJHQ could've clearly communicated that you could still play Animal Jam ("Classic") online if you cleared your cache and your cookies. I'm sure a lot of people were freaked out about the redirection to the Animal Jam (er... Play Wild) homepage after entering your login. I sure was.

      A small piece of information that AJHQ should've put in a huge easy-to-notice box on the homepage: If you clear your browsing data then you should be able to play Animal Jam (Classic) online. It would've made my life a lot easier and I wouldn't have had to spend 30 minutes of my day typing up an email to send to my friends that basically went "HELP CAN YOU GET INTO ANIMAL JAM CLASSIC ON THE BROWSER."

      Also, if you give me some paint and a paintbrush the result does not turn out good. I haven't painted since I literally covered myself in paint. Somehow that time I got paint on my nose... o.O


    3. I believe that they stated how to get the app to run for Chromebooks in their FAQ / help page? I saw several articles about it-

  5. I HATE HATE HATE this change. If anyone wants to get on, restart your computer. I really don't like the two new login screens.

  6. Honesty this change made me so pissed at Animal Jam. Like I wasn't having it with the updates for sometime. So this just made me believe they're calling it "Classic" to sort of explain the lack of updates, yea it's classic experience- nothing's going to change, ever.

    This just makes me so angry because I only played Animal Jam. It's disappointing to see the game you love, once loved just ruin itself. I absolutely hate the new items in stores and every news page just asking for money, another "membership bundle", only new diamond items. UGHH. Can't wait till Feral's out.

    I agree with the loading screen part on a spiritual level. I thought i'd have to download Animal Jam (Classic) and then it took me a solid 5 minutes to find the login screen, because I was that confused. The previous loadscreens used to be so pretty and the colors weren't all over the place. This artstyle just looks so lifeless and robotic, like it's bright colors just for kids to like it. Look at that leopard wearing a spike- I wish it was inverted. That arctic wolf is trying so hard to stare into my deep dark soul. The new animals they release are so ugly, I don't even know they're names anymore.

    The clay panda is so ADORABLE, i wanna hug it. Usually i'd try to give some constructive criticism but that's just perfect. If only the Animal Jam (Classic) panda was cute like this. Thanks for reading my rant on how disappointed I feel, over a game.

    1. I'm happy to see another comment from u after so long! But yes, I do feel pretty much the same.

      You know, I have a crazy probably impossible dream of one day recreating AJ (on a much much smaller scale, like for me and a handful of others) and how it was during the time when I joined, like 2011-2012.

      I know that's kind of illegal, but it's something I think about because I've come to understand that Jamaa is actually a big part of my identity. It's been what's grounded and connected me in difficult times. It's like my zen garden, and I honestly feel like I'm not alone in feeling this way, so of course when things change dramatically I feel unsteady.

      Thank you for your kind words about the panda!! Looking at it now, I bet it would make a good design for a panda in (if they ever end up having pandas there-- I know they're not exactly mythical creatures)

  7. AJHQ actually did give notice to this change a couple days in advance on The Daily Explorer. And you don't have to use the app, just click "player login" below the download button and you can sign in and use the regular desktop site. :)

    1. For now, it's possible to log in to the browser, but by the end of this year you won't be able to because Flash will stop working.

      I know they did give some notice, but barely a couple days in advance, and not everyone reads the D.E.
      I still feel like Wildworks did not handle this change as well as they could have.

  8. I was pretty devastated at the change too. It's pretty bad, honestly. I, as an adult, even had trouble navigating about even after reading things. Imagine as a child who's new to compuerts-

    That aside, that's a very lovely clay painting, Doomy! Did you have to bake it?

    1. Thank you!! Yeah, I did-- didn't have a kiln, so I used a toaster oven xD
      It's earth clay though, so it gets solid at lower temperatures c:


Heyyo! I love it when you guys comment. I'm always checking for more, so even if you comment on an older post I'll definitely see it and try to respond. :)

Before you comment, of course, here are some basic things to remember:

-Don't be mean on purpose.
-Keep the comments appropriate for all ages. This is an Animal Jam blog.
-No spam, please! That means no comments just saying "buddy me im animaljam123" or "hi", just add a little more than that.
-Rants/long comments totally encouraged! You don't have to apologize for a long comment, I love reading them xD

-*NEW!* Please be safe about the personal information you share here, and on the internet in general. Just like AJ's in-game safety guidelines, don't share your real name, photos of yourself, phone number, address, email, or age. Always turn to a trusted adult if you're unsure about something.

Pretty easy rules. Nothing to stress about. As long as you follow them, you can say whatever you want!

Thanks for reading! C(o.o)D

P.S. That's a bear emoticon up there. ^