Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Why The AJ Community is 'Toxic' + more

Hey Jammers! 

If you haven't seen the post I wrote last, be sure to check it out. You might find it very interesting!

You may have noticed that Wildworks is treating Play Wild (now called 'Animal Jam') a lot different than Animal Jam Classic.

In recent days, they changed the art used for AJ Classic in such a way that it's very clear they want you to play Play Wild instead:

Top image: lots of items to get Jammers excited.

Bottom image: no items because AJHQ wants you to play the game in the top image instead.

Of course, I'm not saying that everyone is motivated mostly by items– I'm certainly not. But from what AJHQ knows about the people who play their games, and from general basic psychology, items are a lot of what make people play their games.

For reference, here's what the AJ Classic art looked like during the big update around May 1:

Less items, but still enough.

So... why exactly does Wildworks want people to play Play Wild instead of Animal Jam Classic?

I think there may be a worst case scenario, AND a best case scenario. I haven't talked about this before, but it's something I realized recently.

Worst-case Scenario

Wildworks is going to slow down updates on Animal Jam Classic and gradually push it aside, all while getting the most money from Play Wild and

I really hope this won't happen– that's why it's the worst-case scenario.

There is definitely evidence against this– namely that Animal Jam Classic is still surprisingly popular (most people who say it's 'dying' just never log on) AND AJHQ has said time and time again that it isn't going anywhere.

And now... the best-case scenario. You didn't think there was one, right?

Best-case Scenario

Wildworks is hoping to get the most revenue (money) from Play Wild by concentrating micro-transactions (bundles and stuff) there and emphasizing Play Wild the most so more people play it. 

This would allow Animal Jam Classic to be able to focus less on micro-transactions and more on the stuff that actually makes the game great– lore events (haven't had one of those for a long time), connection with friends, and learning about the natural world.

I'm not saying it's one or two possibilities– I'm sure there may be a mix of things in there. I came up with this because I noticed the most recent Animal Jam Classic bundle is directly available for diamonds in the diamond shop. 

Maybe that's normal and I'm just not as informed about diamond shop things, but it's an idea nonetheless.

I also thought of this because of the recent homepage changes to be more natural and in-line with the original AJ art style.


This last segment of the post will be about something completely different I've been thinking about:

You always hear people saying that the Animal Jam community is toxic. Most people just care about items, they'll lie to you ("it's my birthday!!" "I'm in the hospital D:") in order to get items, people scam, people are mean... etc.

Though some of this is incomplete, I'm not saying any of this is untrue. So, time to answer the age old question... What made the Animal Jam community so toxic?

It's surprisingly simple:

It's a game aimed at kids with a ton of different items and a trading feature.

This may come as a surprise, but pretty much ever since trading was introduced, there have been mean people.

Young kids might look at the freedom of anonymity they get online and use it to be mean to people, and most instances of people being mean or toxic involve trading somehow. 

There have always been rude people. Even though I joined in 2012 and still think it was a great time for Jamaa, people were actually the most rude to me during that time, and it always had to do with me not accepting a trade.

You might be surprised but I would really frequently hear "fat panda!!!" if I declined a trade. It's a weak and bizarre insult, I know, but it was just accepted. I never hear that stuff nowadays, possibly because more older people play AJ now and the chat filter is stricter. 

But don't get me wrong: I'm not saying that all things are much better now. In fact, things seriously need to change, and Wildworks has enabled a lot of toxic behavior by focusing most of the game on trading.

So how do items and harassment get connected? Well, I know from experience that at least 90% of instances of toxicity on AJ come from someone refusing a trade or wanting items so bad they would scam or duplicate items or hack into someone's account.

I haven't even talked about the worst things I experienced on AJ– on two separate occasions, I and a buddy were followed by a Jammer who was hacking into the game to follow us into locked dens and random places without being buddies. That person ended up getting into my friend's account right in front of me, in a locked den, and took many of her rarest items. 

The worst part is that it seemed to happen every time me and this friend were online together. We were close, but we stopped meeting because we were too nervous about it happening again. It was really sad.

If the Animal Jam community is toxic, Wildworks can fix it, though people being obsessed with items gives them a lot of money. 

In my opinion, something Wildworks can start with is put Spiked Collars and Wristbands (the original ones that people go crazy about) in stores. This would destroy the fake Spike economy created by the AJ Item Worth Wiki. It would upset a lot of people, but the Spike economy was entirely imaginary anyway. The supposedly rarest spikes are the most common.

Wildworks needs to go back and re-adopt the idea they originally said about item rarity-- "items don't have a set worth. A fair trade is just something two Jammers can agree on".


Wow, I was not expecting to write up a giant rant so early in the morning! Let me know what you think about any of this, whether you agree or disagree or don't care. :)

See you in Jamaa!

– DoomyPanda


  1. ~Rant ahead. Read at your own risk~

    Absolutely. I've always hated the rarity system. It's so hard to get a nature item you want to decorate your den. Why do you have to play the Forgotten Desert? Why do you have to spend hours going around Jamaa begging for people to trade you rare items that aren't really rare simply so you can get an item you want? Why are all the nature-y, visually pleasing items, so RARE?!

    To me, every item is equal. Because they're all pixels. I actually ranted about this to my buddies in my friend's den xD most of them probably think I'm crazy now.

    Personally, I really want some den betas because they look nice. Also some hanging vines. Unfortunately, they're worth like good longs. And that just makes absolutely no sense. If you go up to pretty much any person screaming 'trade me pls' they're going to have at least one spike on trade/on their animal.

    The rarity system has literally just been something that has made me scream, my friend cry, and a bunch of negative feelings. I can't count how many times I've logged off Animal Jam wanting to just destroy spikes. And rarity. And the AJ Worth Wiki.

    A fair trade is a trade that both jammers like. End of story. That's literally what I feel. I wish more jammers felt that way instead of "NO YOUR ITEM IS SO MUCH MORE UNRARE THAN MINE"

    When I gave my spike wristband to my friend who'd gotten scammed, I thought it was fair! When my friend gave me a pet firefly, I'd said no, but she'd insisted and so that's how most trades between me and my friends go. Overtrades. Everyone is happy. I wish more trades were like that.

    So the entire point of this rant is that all items are equal and someone should take down the AJ Item Worth Wiki.


    1. I can see why people might disagree, but it's always been true. A lot of people really like the idea that they can go to the AJ Item Worth Wiki and see "oh, this item is worth exactly 10 blue longs" and feel confident that they get a 'fair' trade... but no one knows for sure the amount of items in the game, and if they did, they'd see that it's arbitrary and nothing is "worth" anything.

      AND Spiked Collars/Wristbands are extremely common but no one wants to admit it. :P

  2. hiya!!
    anyway, wow, awesome work as always. I'm not too big on the aj "classic" thing either. i wish they would change back. :(
    Remember to play wild!
    Pikahalo's blasting off again! Bye bye

  3. I got kind of bored. Here's a URL to something random I decided to make:

    It's very long; sorry!!!


    1. OH MY GOSH :O it's so cute!!! I feel so honored you'd think my panda worthy of becoming a plushie :')
      When I finally get around to updating my blog layout, I think I'm going to add an Art page to put fun stuff like this ^-^

    2. An art page sounds like an awesome idea.

  4. I'm really annoyed about the name change and sad that they're pushing the original AJ and working more on AJPW. I agree about the trading thing. All items are worth the same in my opinion, they're all just pixels. XD Trading can be lot of fun, but some people completely ruin it by scamming. :(

    1. Yeah :\
      I'm hoping that even though they're emphasizing AJPW more than AJ Classic, they're going to step up their game with AJ Classic updates, though that might be a stretch :|

  5. So I walk out of the art place in Coral Canyons to see a panda randomly yelling at an artic wolf.

    Me: What's up?


    Me: Ok, what did they do?


    Me: Umm... how is that scamming?


    Me: Well, we don't KNOW if their a scammer, so stop accusing poeple.

    Panda: SO, YOUR A SCAMMER TO!!?!?!?

    Me: What?!? No!!!

    The panda then shouted a random insult at me that I did not understand. Since I had no clue what they said, I just said no. They Then made the surprised emoji, and left. Seriously, what is it with these five year olds?!?!?

  6. rarity is stupid, honestly (imo) they should bring back hds, etc (wait- hds are perma gone.. but atleast all the other items gone? ;-;

    1. I gotta agree with you, imchi123. The rarity system is messed up...

      And AJHQ confirmed this-- headdresses are permanently gone from stores cuz it's culturally offensive to have them in the game. (But unfortunately, this has the effect of making them even more in high demand because AJHQ didn't completely delete them -.-)

      But as of yet, AJHQ hasn't said anything about bringing back other items to stores, like the original Spiked Collars/Wristbands. In my opinion... they really should. The fact that the AJ Item Worth Wiki lists certain items as being worth 39+ black long collars is a big red flag that something is wrong with the system.

      Needing that amount of a high-demand item to get another item just makes trading feel unaccessible to a lot of players. It also very much encourages people to dupe/duplicate items by hacking into AJ, because for some people, that's easier than spending months of trading to get a single item.

      Some people might be afraid of the effects of spiked collars/wristbands getting rereleased, but honestly it would only improve things. Spiked Collars/Wristbands have actually become extremely common, and that's why over time, items have been listed on the Worth Wiki as being worth more and more spikes... so releasing them in stores would only remove confusion.

      Sorry if you didn't expect me to respond to this comment with a spike rant, I just got inspired xD


Heyyo! I love it when you guys comment. I'm always checking for more, so even if you comment on an older post I'll definitely see it and try to respond. :)

Before you comment, of course, here are some basic things to remember:

-Don't be mean on purpose.
-Keep the comments appropriate for all ages. This is an Animal Jam blog.
-No spam, please! That means no comments just saying "buddy me im animaljam123" or "hi", just add a little more than that.
-Rants/long comments totally encouraged! You don't have to apologize for a long comment, I love reading them xD

-*NEW!* Please be safe about the personal information you share here, and on the internet in general. Just like AJ's in-game safety guidelines, don't share your real name, photos of yourself, phone number, address, email, or age. Always turn to a trusted adult if you're unsure about something.

Pretty easy rules. Nothing to stress about. As long as you follow them, you can say whatever you want!

Thanks for reading! C(o.o)D

P.S. That's a bear emoticon up there. ^