Friday, May 15, 2020

You Can Still Change Them Back, AJHQ...

Hey Jammers!

I want to apologize for the lack in posts lately– I think I haven't posted since the first of May. I've really wanted to be here to give everyone angry (or excited?) about the new changes an outlet to talk about it, and support in case the AJ changes are genuinely stressful to you, which they seem to be for a lot of you (and me.)

I've been dealing with a lot of intense anxiety the past two weeks that I've needed to work on (not having to do with AJ) so while it would probably be a good distraction to spend time with this lil community, I've been so panicky that it's been hard to distract myself! 

But don't worry, I'm working on it. Slowly. I'm posting today because I finally feel ok enough to do so! Yay! 

I'm so glad I could log in to Blogger to see a whole bunch of comments from you guys. I'm so glad AJ Stream has become such a friendly corner of the bigger Animal Jam community!


On May 3rd I wrote a comment on the Daily Explorer with a few questions/suggestions that I brought up in the previous post, and...

Well... at least someone looked at it. 

No guarantee they "passed it onto the developers" like they sometimes say, and we still have no idea if they're going to work on making AJ Classic compatible with Chromebook.  

BUT I did see someone in the same comment section echoing my opinion about the homepage! So there's hope.

Also, side note: People have been talking about how you can still definitely play AJ Classic on a browser with the tiny Log In button. You definitely can. But by the end of this year, you won't. I guess that gives Chromebook users a little time to figure out what they're gonna do to play AJ Classic once Flash stops working. 

Not everyone can afford to get another computer, so this really stinks for Chromebook users. I am hoping that, despite the ambiguous reply from AJHQ, that they're going to eventually work on a Chromebook app for Animal Jam Classic so we don't have a whole giant group of Jammers forced to quit. I'd miss you all so much :(

The next segment of the post is one that I wrote up a couple of weeks ago, but I think it still stands:


I've thought about this a lot since it happened, and I've come to the ultimate conclusion that the name change was just a flat-out bad decision. Not just for the Jammers who have to put up with it, but for Wildworks themselves. 

Unless AJHQ goes into more detail about WHY this switch would be beneficial, 

Changing Animal Jam: Play Wild! to just Animal Jam is like trying to give a game that was originally just a mobile spin-off the credit that normal AJ has for its longevity. 

Adding "Classic" to the name of the original game that started it all just makes it seem like AJHQ is going to be pushing it aside from now on... though it's important to note that AJHQ has said multiple times that Animal Jam Classic is not going anywhere. 

But most importantly.... now we have two very different games with basically the same name. That is the biggest problem. 

When people talk about normal AJ and AJPW... while people will use the phrase Animal Jam Classic, no one will use 'Animal Jam' to describe Play Wild. It's just wrong and confusing. 



Additionally, here's this post that shows AJHQ is just confusing themselves:

The only game mentioned is 'Animal Jam'. With Wildworks' annoying change, 'Animal Jam' is supposed to just mean 'Play Wild' now. Guess what? All the 'AJ Backgrounds' are from what is now just supposed to be called 'Animal Jam Classic.'

I wonder if it was just one person at Wildworks who decided to change the names and everyone else was opposed. Was it you, Clark!? -_-


Let's randomly switch gears and talk about the Play Wild app now.

Up until I logged in a couple weeks ago, I hadn't logged in in a few years. The login procedure is definitely much more sleek than AJ Classic. 

It makes my laptop heat up a whole lot; the fans get concerningly loud xD

Honestly, 3D CGI makes me kind of nauseous and the only thing I like about Play Wild is my den:



I hope you're all doing well, though I know that quarantine has really impacted most of us, physically or mentally. 

I know I've definitely been struggling more intensely because of it, so if you feel similar, know that you're not alone. 

You can rant or even just share how you're feeling anytime in the comments, and you can let me know in your comment if you want it actually published, or just want to rant to me privately. I won't be able to respond in that case, but you'll be in my thoughts <3

Thanks for reading, and jam on~


(Haven't used my image signature in a while because it's on my desktop computer that my brother has been glued to for the past few months xD)


    Well I think AJHQ doesn't care much about all the comments asking for stuff on Animal Jam "Classic". I will refer to them as Animal Jam and Play Wild from now on. Literally, I put quite a long comment on the Daily Explorer asking about my chromebook issue and this is what I got back:
    "We don't have that information, Jammer, sorry."

    a;snva;oi rgoienfb ;aer;hoid bnalkcxm vv eorifnbliauahera8ieruhfsk 8yevfg bndv dfi b;lvceoidf .msld kn;oairg ;dv earof snfm. just thinking about it makes me so angry

    And I saw a couple other jammers saying that everything they asked for on Animal Jam came to Play Wild. That is VERY true. Also, AJHQ changed their Instagram profile picture AND their YouTube profile picture to the new Play Wild logo (which I hate because it looks so 2D)!
    It's small, but I find that really annoying. Speaking of which... I don't remember the last time AJHQ put a sneak peek on the Daily Explorer that was about Animal Jam. Or rather, anything that was about Animal Jam; minus the SO not 'aMAYzing Migration'. Oh... and the last time AJHQ hosted an Instagram competition that was NOT ABOUT PLAY WILD. Yet they say that they love both games in reply to another one of my comments on the Daily Explorer.

    Happier thoughts, because all this change is not helping my mental health. I love your den in Play Wild, I feel like it's so peaceful and calm. Random, but I wish you could put actual music in Animal Jam/Play Wild dens. I think yours goes well with Pachelbel's Canon in D. Don't know why I thought of that piece. Also thanks for buddying me on Play Wild:)

    I feel like I probably shouldn't have said some of these things but then again, I feel like it can't be avoided.

    Also, I'm so not leaving AJ Classic because of something as small as a chromebook and Flash shutting down. I'm not going without a fight, AJHQ, if you read this comment!!!


    P.S. Sorry about the long 8 paragraph comment; hope I'm not annoying you. Also I've been bored so expect another comment soon if I finish what I have to do... >:)

    1. You're so not annoying me!! Love the long comments, keep 'em coming (if you want) >:)

      Yeah... this is all such forced re-branding. I mentioned this in an earlier comment, but if this keeps up I swear I will try to learn how to code and remake AJ the way it should be, Club Penguin Rewritten style. I know I'd probably never be able to do it, I barely know how to manage the basic HTML of this blog and I have a ton of other things to work on xD

      But its been on my mind for a while now, given how almost every new change for AJ for the past few years has missed the mark completely.

      And thank you!!! I wonder if the items I use for my Play Wild den would be considered rare now, given that I decorated that den right after Play Wild Beta ended. But beyond that, I agree, it's peaceful xD
      I always loved the Small House den, and I guess the benefit of 3D is that I can actually feel more like I'm walking inside it. Still, not enough to make me actually want to play Play Wild lol

    2. P.S. now I am listening to Pachelbels Canon in D while staring at the screenshot of my Play Wild den xD


Heyyo! I love it when you guys comment. I'm always checking for more, so even if you comment on an older post I'll definitely see it and try to respond. :)

Before you comment, of course, here are some basic things to remember:

-Don't be mean on purpose.
-Keep the comments appropriate for all ages. This is an Animal Jam blog.
-No spam, please! That means no comments just saying "buddy me im animaljam123" or "hi", just add a little more than that.
-Rants/long comments totally encouraged! You don't have to apologize for a long comment, I love reading them xD

-*NEW!* Please be safe about the personal information you share here, and on the internet in general. Just like AJ's in-game safety guidelines, don't share your real name, photos of yourself, phone number, address, email, or age. Always turn to a trusted adult if you're unsure about something.

Pretty easy rules. Nothing to stress about. As long as you follow them, you can say whatever you want!

Thanks for reading! C(o.o)D

P.S. That's a bear emoticon up there. ^