Thursday, August 15, 2019

Obscure Beta Discovery + Workin' On Stuff

Hey Jammers! I was planning on posting about the wild weekend today, but I honestly don't have much to say. Hallfall (that's still your user, right?) made a more extensive post about it on The Animal Jam Digest along with a cool NM den idea, so you should check that out!

So, I haven't posted as often as I would have wanted this month (and for most of this summer, it seems), and it's because I'm working on some creative projects that I won't have time to do once school starts for me– one of which is designing a new layout for this blog. It shouldn't be that hard, but I'm so picky about aesthetics that I'm making my own graphics and lettering lol

(Temporary color, temporary background, temporary positions, etc. Just wanted to show my progress w/ the lettering. I think the "stream" will be an actual font.)

I'm kinda sick of Tiki Island so I'm trying to hand-copy a font that was on the AJ beta homepage that I can't find anywhere else:

That's a graphic from the help section. 

The goal of re-doing my layout is so I'm more motivated to post regularly once school starts (and so the blog looks better and works better) because older AJ graphics are just so weirdly calming. 

Another project I'm working on that's gonna take at least all day today is to start planning a story I've been wanting to write (that's unrelated to AJ). 

So yeah, I have a lot to do before school starts! I guess paradoxically, you might be getting posts more regularly once September comes around 

But back to the beta AJ help section... for I have discovered something:

So I have no clue what Zeevex is, but more importantly– What is Panda Week!?

So every week in beta testing (or soon after it, I forget if August 2010 counts as beta), one kind of animal was celebrated? Neat!

(In case you weren't aware, I use the Wayback Machine to go snooping around the beta homepage. Check it out!)

Here's a Jamaa Journal calendar I found on the Animal Jam Rush that shows a few Animal Weeks:

Interesting. Maybe the activities posted in the Jamaa Journal were similar to this:

So Guides were not only there to help, but to facilitate activities! That's so cool. (Image from here)

Dang. I wish that level of community was here today. Maybe we can take inspiration from the positivity of early AJ and make that part of how we act in Jamaa today :)

Alright guys, I'm off to go work on stuff! See you in Jamaa, and have an awesome day~


  1. Ahh! I miss the activity calendar a lot! That sure does bring back a lot of memories phew.
    Also, working on your own graphics? That's dedication.
    I can't wait to see the results, you can do it, Doomy!

  2. I'm pretty picky with aesthetic but editing is too hard XD. I already love your blog design tbh. The beta testing stuff you found also had "Play Wild" written are you sure they aren't from the ajpw mobile game.

    I fully agree with your thoughts of animal jam during beta testing. I guess times were simpler and Animal Jam wasn't running out of ideas.
    Thanks for mentioning my blog. I have a confession though, my post wasn't extensive. Btw my user is paintingyourtrauma because I can't stick with one account ):(

    1. Actually, Play Wild! has always been Animal Jam's slogan! I think it used to be the title of the home page but now it just says "fun online animal game"

    2. Now that you mentioned it I'm just getting serious nostalgia remembering the old homepage with the panda. I've never really been in the beta days so I'm a bit confused.

  3. Hmm interesting, I’m guessing your drawing all the text and stuff for the new blog look? That must be fun and also cool

    1. Not all of the stuff, of course, but a lot more than usual. And it is kinda fun!

  4. There are a lot of AJ fonts other than Tiki Island and CC Digital Delivery that I just can't seem to identify– for instance, the font on custom Jam A Gram messages

  5. Did you hear, the amazon rainforest is on fire:'(

    1. Oh no!!!! :C :o Environmental disasters like that make me so sad...


    2. I just googled Zeevex, and apparently it's this kind of currency that AJHQ accepted for memberships. You could use points to buy memberships. I guess it's sort of like buying a membership in Play Wild... This is the link I found about it:


    3. There are so many horrible things happening every day and it's a terrible feeling, caring so much but feeling powerless to turn that compassion into solutions.

      There's a quote that goes something like "Because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do". What can I do? What can you do? We can't stop the problem by wishing it away, but we can find ways to make our own small dents by starting with what's around us in our communities. What else can we do?


Heyyo! I love it when you guys comment. I'm always checking for more, so even if you comment on an older post I'll definitely see it and try to respond. :)

Before you comment, of course, here are some basic things to remember:

-Don't be mean on purpose.
-Keep the comments appropriate for all ages. This is an Animal Jam blog.
-No spam, please! That means no comments just saying "buddy me im animaljam123" or "hi", just add a little more than that.
-Rants/long comments totally encouraged! You don't have to apologize for a long comment, I love reading them xD

-*NEW!* Please be safe about the personal information you share here, and on the internet in general. Just like AJ's in-game safety guidelines, don't share your real name, photos of yourself, phone number, address, email, or age. Always turn to a trusted adult if you're unsure about something.

Pretty easy rules. Nothing to stress about. As long as you follow them, you can say whatever you want!

Thanks for reading! C(o.o)D

P.S. That's a bear emoticon up there. ^