Sunday, August 4, 2019

Weird + Fun Things to do on AJ

Hey Jammers! I was actually feeling pretty sick yesterday, but I think I'm 100% better now :3

Here are some items that look pretty new:

...I think? I'm not as diligent at covering new items as I probably should be :P

So, picking back up the Bunny Script topic from my last actual post, it seems like no one's figured out what it's supposed to say. For a little bit more info, I went around and tried to find signs of other potential coded scripts, but I found nothing conclusive:

The last one looks like it's probably some kinda script, but it's too small and pixelly to possibly make out.

Oh well... until someone guesses correctly about what Peck's Inscription could be saying, this will remain a mystery.

Moving on...

Ever get bored of stuff like trading and spending hours sitting in locked dens?

Well, have I got some fun ideas for you.

First fun idea– become broke!

It doesn't sound fun at first, but do any of you remember back in ye olden days of AJ when it was difficult to earn gems? To be fair, items were also a lot cheaper, but the difficulty involved in earning gems through low-gem-yield games gave a sense of accomplishment when you could finally afford the Rare Item Monday.

About a year ago I introduced the Gem Challenge in this post, which you should go read if you're interested in adding an extra level of difficulty to AJ– basically, you only get any gems through low-gem-yield games, but you should read that post for more info.

If you like the Gem Challenge and want even more difficulty... what about the Buddy Game Challenge?

With buddy games, you usually just get 5, 10, or 25 gems, so they are very low-gem-yield. It's just a more limited Gem Challenge– get all your gems from buddy games :P

Now for the second fun idea...


You can go to official parties on the Party List and be surprised that they are still very active places! There are lots of other Jammers to meet, trade, and worship the moon with

And finally...

Find a buddy to play a 2-player game with, and agree that whoever loses has to give the winner an item as a prize!

Now, I personally think this goes better when the situation is not like the one in the pictures above where a specific prize is promised. Sometimes people might change their minds and cause conflict– so it might be less annoying if you both just promise that you'll give some kind of prize to the winner. Or, promise a specific item! It's up to you.

My favorite multiplayer game is Gem Ball, so you can try that out!


Before I go, my next project is going to involve redesigning Animal Jam Stream's layout. As a reminder for myself (or for anyone who's interested), here are some things I'm hoping to do:

– Re-do Glitches page so most recent glitches are at the top and older/not working glitches are archived at the bottom.

– Redesign Pages tab so it's simpler, or even stop using image maps because the Trading Post link has been unclickable for some people.

– Update that dang Codes page with codes that actually work

– Make some new pages which I will add onto a sidebar, such as an art gallery page full of submitted Jammer art (Masterpieces or not)

– Add some kinda search bar

– Redesign sidebar blogroll so it's easier to see

....and probably more things I'm forgetting right now >.<

But anyway, thanks for reading! See you in Jamaa~


  1. Those do seem like fun things to do!

  2. Idea! A random button


    1. I'm not sure but do you mean the "random post" button some bloggers have? You click it and you are directed to any post. I mean the one i saw from the Animal Jam flash.

  3. The currency challenge seems like a great idea. I will definitely try it out :)


Heyyo! I love it when you guys comment. I'm always checking for more, so even if you comment on an older post I'll definitely see it and try to respond. :)

Before you comment, of course, here are some basic things to remember:

-Don't be mean on purpose.
-Keep the comments appropriate for all ages. This is an Animal Jam blog.
-No spam, please! That means no comments just saying "buddy me im animaljam123" or "hi", just add a little more than that.
-Rants/long comments totally encouraged! You don't have to apologize for a long comment, I love reading them xD

-*NEW!* Please be safe about the personal information you share here, and on the internet in general. Just like AJ's in-game safety guidelines, don't share your real name, photos of yourself, phone number, address, email, or age. Always turn to a trusted adult if you're unsure about something.

Pretty easy rules. Nothing to stress about. As long as you follow them, you can say whatever you want!

Thanks for reading! C(o.o)D

P.S. That's a bear emoticon up there. ^