Saturday, May 16, 2020

A Parable for Wildworks: Coca-Cola Classic

Once upon a time, during the ~ancient age~ of 1985, the Coca-Cola Company made what has been considered the worst marketing decision a business has ever made.

It changed the formula of Coca-Cola for the first time in 99 years, and sought to replace the old formula entirely.

People went kinda crazy about this, protesting in the streets and whatnot, so they decided to release this new formula of Coca-Cola while also keeping the original.

They decided to replace the original Coca-Cola in another way– giving the new Coke the name of the original. "New Coke" was now just "Coca-Cola," and the original Coca-Cola became "Coca-Cola Classic"

Does this remind you of anything?

Well, nobody called New Coke "Coca-Cola" as the company intended. Everyone just called it New Coke, and called "Coca-Cola Classic" just "Coca-Cola," because that's what they had been familiar with all their lives.

After a while, the company realized it made more sense to call the New Coke "Coke II" instead of "Coca-Cola," because no one thought of it like that.


The whole process of making "Animal Jam: Play Wild!" into just "Animal Jam" is almost exactly like Coca-Cola's famous mistake.

I just learned about the story of the Coca-Cola name change a few days ago, but I'm sure there are people at Wildworks who are actually old enough to remember it happening.

Even if they weren't, it's so famous that it's almost like Wildworks got inspired by that blunder. 

"Hey, did you know that 40+ years ago, Coca-Cola made a huge mistake?? Yeah, let's do that same thing!!! xD"


Even though the Coca-Cola fiasco got much bigger because Coca-Cola was/is a massive corporation, I'd honestly have to say that changing the names of AJ and AJPW is a worse decision.

Why? Because Coca-Cola was always just a gross concoction of chemicals some people like to drink, and AJPW and AJ are both very different virtual worlds/communities that kids rely on, especially in unstable times such as now.

Wildworks would probably be too embarrassed to make the shift back to a naming system that makes sense, because then they'd need to admit that they made a blunder, but I feel like that would be a small price to pay to make Jamaa feel stable and normal again. Both Jamaas.


Aaaaaaand I think that's all I have to say for now. I hope AJHQ will understand that pretty much no one is gonna refer to AJPW as Animal Jam. It's just confusing.

See you in Jamaa!!



  1. It really does seem like they were inspired... the names are almost the same. Conspiracy theory?! :O


    1. If they really were inspired, that would be so sad xD
      Most likely they unconsciously repeated history because they weren't really thinking.

  2. Unrelated, but once I went to the Coke factory in Goergia. My family asked some other people to take a picture of us in front of the Coke vault. The alarm thingy went off and everyone looked at us. I never stepped back, and I was just like
    "What do you expect if you make us step back in front of a Coke vault?"
    (Ok now I kinda want a Coke)

    1. I had no idea they just had vaults of Coke xD kinda silly to think about


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