Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Drawing + Diamond Brick?

Hey Jammers! Once again, I'm walking into a post empty handed– or am I?

I might not have much news right now, but this is a drawing of an AJ panda I'm working on. They'll have a background and maybe an accessory or two later!

It's hard to draw with a mouse :P

Drawing it has made me want to change the look of my panda. Still, I'm attached to the design on the left because if I recall correctly, it was how I decorated my panda when I first joined AJ. Oh well

Moving onto some actually news-worthy news:

An idea from @AnimalJamIdeas on Twitter (AKA Difficult of The Animal Jam Timber) got the attention of AJ's CEO! This seems pretty big, considering that Difficult's Twitter account isn't very old. 

Because it seems like a very easy thing for AJHQ to accomplish, wouldn't it be great if this idea became reality? :D

I may have said this before on my blog, but the bronze, silver, and gold bricks in Epic Wonders were also suggested by someone I knew, Catlover25. They don't play AJ anymore, but I hope they're doing well.

I know I don't have much content today, Jammers, but I thought I'd check in anyway! I hope all of your summers (or winters, for those in the Southern hemisphere?) are really fun so far ^-^

Gonna focus on art today...

see you in Jamaa!


  1. Aww that drawing is adorable and amazing but please don't mind my constructive criticism.
    The face is soo cute and the left side of the body looks great the panda hands (if they are hands O.o) seem a bit off, I guess you can add a few shadows here and there.
    The right side hand and feet are mushed together, the hand looks like its cut off and the feet i think is not in proportion. The panda looks too thin to be a panda :( Someone please feed the panda.C(o.o)D

    I love the idea of a diamond brick, but I don't want it to cost diamonds. If it costs a lot of gems then I believe that gems might become a bit more relevant if this item is released. We rarely have items that cost a lot of gems especially non member ones although this might be a member item considering the golden brick.
    There isn't much news on animal jam these days, I hope they release a news-worthy Update.

    1. I'm really happy to see you comment again! How have you been doing? :D
      And thanks for the feedback– I probably won't change much with the proportions as I'm already happy with them (AJ pandas are disproportional anyway lol) but I'll keep your suggestions in mind!

      And I agree about the diamond brick– it would be weird if someone had to spend a million diamonds to get a brick of them back

  2. Thank you! I really appreciate it– I haven't drawn anything AJ related in a long time, let alone digitally, so it takes a long time for me to make something I'm happy with. Traditional art is more my strength :P

  3. Aww, that panda is awesome and so cute Doomy! I've always loved your art style, especially for drawing animals on AJ! It is awesome that Difficult's suggestion may be possibly coming true in the near future:)

    1. You're so kind, Violet! ;-; <3 Maybe I should draw some more AJ stuff then!

      I would love if Difficult's idea became a reality. I love when AJHQ is receptive to what Jammers want

  4. That drawing is so cute! I can't believe you drew that with a mouse. Hopefully the diamond brick will become an item in aj soon!

    1. Thank you so much! What I did was sketch it out on paper (I'm more comfortable with normal sketching) and taped the sketch to my computer so I could copy it in the drawing program I used


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P.S. That's a bear emoticon up there. ^