Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Zodiac/Horoscope Colorful Clothing Ideas!

Hey Jammers! Once again, I'm walking into a post empty-handed in regards to news– if you want to learn about daily items, The Animal Jam Timber is the way to go. (And Rainbow000Pegasus's blog, but right now she's on a hiatus until the 28th)

For this post, I'd thought I'd come up with some more clothing ideas with the magic of Best Dressed. It's filler, I know, but it's fun filler! Because this time I have a better theme: zodiacs/horoscopes!

So I don't personally believe that the constellation you're born under influences your personality at all, but it can be fun to put yourself into fantasy categories anyway. It's also easier to come up with colors and items that can represent a zodiac sign (signs have colors and motifs associated with them), so I think you'll find these clothing ideas a little better than the ones that have come before on this blog.

If you're not familiar with zodiacs, they depend on when in the year you're born.

Different constellations are thought to be visible from Earth during different times, which is why zodiacs depend on date. 

Again, I don't really believe in zodiacs, but they are a lot of fun!

First up, my own sign... Sagittarius:

Also known as The Archer– hence the arrows. Sagittarius people are thought to be adventurous and social, but the only trait associated with Sagittarius that I identify with is "you like to look at maps". That's true. I do like to look at maps. X)

Next, Libra! I designed two for this one. I prefer the second one, but maybe you'll also like the first one.

The sign Libra is associated with balance, harmony, and design. 

Now, Aries:

Aries (otherwise known as The Ram) is associated with outspokenness, energy, and daring.

Moving on, Leo! Leo is associated with pride, charisma, and honesty. 

You might be wondering where all these traits come from. Well, constellations are just clusters of stars that people have decided look like familiar things. People say that the constellation Leo looks like a lion– so all these traits are just things people associate with lions! (Never mind the fact that each lion has their own personality, but oh well...)

Here's Virgo! Virgo are thought to be diligent workers, quiet or modest, and very observant. I don't know about you, but I really like this dress-up ^-^

Heeeeeere's Gemini! Gemini are thought to have two different sides to them (their symbol is The Twins) so to represent that I used the complementary colors green and pink. Along with that, Gemini are thought to be outgoing and indecisive.

And now, Scorpio. Traits associated with Scorpio are intuition, and the tendency to go deep into things they care about.

Time for Aquarius! This sign is associated with creativity, friendliness, and rebelliousness.

Pisces! Considered idealistic, open to change, and intuitive.

Aaaaand Capricorn! Thought to be ambitious, responsible, and kinda spooky.

Next up, Cancer! Also known as the Crab, Cancers are thought to be sensitive, caring, and protective.

And finally... Taurus!

Also known as The Bull, Taurus is a sign considered determined, grounded, and generous.

At the end of the day, these traits apply to anyone, but tell me what you think in the comments!

I'm going away so I won't be posting for a few days or more, so don't be alarmed! I'll be back soon :)

See you in Jamaa~


  1. This was actually a creative way of doing outfit ideas. Hopefully it gets some recognition as i'm sure tons of people would wear outfits for their zodiac signs. I always like reading the horoscopes, and find that some do actually resemble to myself while others don't. I always like exploring them though, even if I don't follow or live by them.

    1. Thanks so much! I'm so glad you liked it– I'm thinking about more outfit series to do like this one. Hmm...

      And I agree, astrology is fun to think about even if it is just make-believe ^-^

  2. i really like the outfit for my sign :)

  3. Thank you so much! When I dress up an animal I tend to focus more on colors than showcasing different items, and I do take some inspiration from the creativity of beta Jammers :D

  4. don't really like the Leo outfit, even though that's my sign... no offense. really like Taurus though!
    ~( atlantis54 )~


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P.S. That's a bear emoticon up there. ^